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Pdf books | LEARN DO SHARE is a book series that captures design and storytelling experiments at DIY Days. It’s a narrative exploration into ethos, socio-economic context and open collaboration. The result are a rather unusual look-do-and-think-books that explore the methods we used, pitfalls we encountered and lessons we learned when we try all kinds of games and methods to trigger social innovation. Click on images to download [7-20 MB]. Mesh - the pulse of the sharing economy. Shareable: Sharing by design.

Collaborative consumption

DIY WORKSHOP: 3D PRINTING | betahaus b. - Berlin, Germany. Hello people of Berlin, it’s 2012! The frontiers between a digital file and a physical item are razor thin now. The idea of this workshop is to help you master the technique and the technology to get things made with a 3D printer in no time. You don’t have to be a mechanical engineer, a product designer or an architect to take part. Actually you would achieve maximum benefit from this experience if you come from a totally virtual field, so if you are a programmer, if you work in media/communication or if you are just interested in the topic you are more than welcome to join.

We start at 11:00 with an ice breaking round, then we have an introduction to the technology and operation of a 3D printer. Please, bring your laptop, a 3 button mouse and earbuds/ headphones. We are very excited about making this happen, and we are looking forward to meet you all in the amazing ODC space in betahaus. yours, Fab Cafe at betahaus. The Science of Building Trust With Social Media. The Internet-era has made establishing trust an increasingly complicated issue. Our finely tuned ability to read facial expressions does not apply to e-mail, and emoticons are, at best, an imperfect substitute for sarcastic inflection (raise your hand if you’ve ever gotten into trouble for typing something that was meant to be a joke). So, how can we establish trust when our online identities are often little more than an avatar and few lines of text? Fortunately, some in the scientific community have taken it upon themselves to help us through the confusion.

Through both laboratory studies and field observation of people conversing over the Internet, scientists can survey when participants are likely to trust word-of-mouth or stab an absent colleague in the back. I sat down with a leading figure in this field, Professor Judy Olson, to talk about the essentials of building trust with digital communication. The Psychology of Trust Responsiveness Is Key for Digital Communication Conclusion. Learning Change Project Summary « Learning Change. Learning Blogs This is a set of eight Resource blogs, that are part of the infrastructure of the Learning Change Project: support and empower change agents on their action learning for Systemic Change. Recognizing that those changes occur as embedded initiatives within complex environments, an action research oriented interdisciplinary agenda have been developed, on … society, dialogue, culture, cognition, critical thinking, intelligence, creativity, autopoiesis, rhizomes, complexity, emergence, self-organization, networks, systems, sustainability, multi disciplinarity, futures …, supporting bottom-up emergent self-organized communities to become sustainable systems.

The project was initiated early 2005 and it is a not-for-profit free and open initiative. The ads appearing in some pages belongs to Dance of Discovery and Understanding (Paint: Henri Matisse, 1910) We do not pretend to teach or lecture, we do not offer a given curriculum or blueprint to be followed. Gefangenendilemma. Die Beteiligten („Spieler“, „Gefangenen“) haben die Möglichkeit zusammenzuarbeiten, um eine hohe Auszahlung zu erzielen, oder können sich für eine geringere Auszahlung gegenseitig verraten.

Beide Spieler müssen ihre Strategie ohne Kenntnis der Wahl des jeweils anderen Spielers festlegen (dies geschieht automatisch, wenn sie es gleichzeitig tun). Es ist daher möglich, dass ein Spieler das Gegenteil von dem tut, was der andere macht. In diesem Fall profitiert nur der Spieler, der den anderen verrät, und dieser profitiert dann besonders stark. Das Gefangenendilemma taucht bei einer Vielzahl soziologischer und ökonomischer Fragestellungen auf. In den Wirtschaftswissenschaften wird das Gefangenendilemma als Teil der Spieltheorie auch den entscheidungsorientierten Organisationstheorien zugeordnet.[1][2][3] Entwicklung und Namensgebung[Bearbeiten] Beschreibung der Situation[Bearbeiten] Das von Tucker zur Veranschaulichung formulierte soziale Dilemma ist wie folgt: Ergebnisse[Bearbeiten] mit und .

Virtual reality

Preview: Privacy Policy – Policies & Principles. There are many different ways you can use our services – to search for and share information, to communicate with other people or to create new content. When you share information with us, for example by creating a Google Account, we can make those services even better – to show you more relevant search results and ads, to help you connect with people or to make sharing with others quicker and easier.

As you use our services, we want you to be clear how we’re using information and the ways in which you can protect your privacy. Our Privacy Policy explains: What information we collect and why we collect it. How we use that information. The choices we offer, including how to access and update information. We’ve tried to keep it as simple as possible, but if you’re not familiar with terms like cookies, IP addresses, pixel tags and browsers, then read about these key terms first. Information we collect We collect information in the following ways: Information you give us. Information you share.


Coworking. Enterprise Social Software. Der Wandel der Unternehmen durch Social Media setzt sich fort. Von: Joachim Niemeier Meine Kollegen und ich sind gerade dabei, unsere diesjährige Social Business-Studie (aka Enterprise 2.0, Collaboration 2.0 usw.) zu erstellen. Wie im letzten Jahr haben wir als Grundlage der Studie qualitative Fallstudienmaterialien aus vielfältigen Quellen von Unternehmen und Organisationen aus dem deutschsprachigen Raum (Deutschland, Österreich, Schweiz) genutzt.

Eine erste Beobachtung: seit unserer Studie im letzten Jahr hat sich das Thema dynamisch weiterentwickelt. Im letzten Jahr konnten wir von einer Fallbasis von 72 Unternehmen und Organisationen ausgehen, in diesem Jahr können wir bereits auf Informationen aus über 200 Unternehmen und Organisationen zurückgreifen. Anwendungsszenarien werden sichtbar Als Themenschwerpunkt für die diesjährige Studie haben wir uns das Ziel gesetzt herauszufinden, was die Unternehmen mit Social Software eigentlich machen.

Der Hype wird in immer mehr Unternehmen betriebliche Praxis. Enterprise Collaboration: Six Steps to Secure Sharing. Andrew Carnegie believed that the only irreplaceable capital an organization possesses is the knowledge and ability of its people, and that the productivity of that capital depends on how effectively people share their competence with those who can use it. If this was true a hundred years ago, it must be even truer today as organizations face an increasing pace of change and are becoming more knowledge-intense, relying on a core of highly collaborative and specialized knowledge workers who are geographically dispersed.

Today, the only feasible way for employees to share their competence efficiently with their colleagues is often to share it with digital means. When Sharing is Hard People Find Workarounds When it is hard to share information, people are less likely to do so. A common reaction to this from IT departments is to do what they can to make people stop using these workarounds. We Underestimate the Risks of Closed Systems Yes, we are risk averse. Continue reading this article: Kollaborateur | Workwise. Virtual Collaboration Rooms. Pulling together the entire development team to work on a shared idea of the product and a shared understanding of the tasks and issues involved in creating it is critical to the efficient practice of product development. [...] So my proposal for the virtual collaboration room metaphor is a three-walled room that would appear on an individual’s workstation.

The collaboration room participant would be able to zoom into the room and focus on particular areas of the room structure. Bei der Entwicklung unserer Anwendungen nutzen wir diverse Collaboration Tools (Salesforce Chatter, Skype, Google Docs …) – jedoch fehlt immer noch eine Komponente welche das Team und die Ideen auch räumlich zusammenbringt. Es geht darum dem Geschehen eine Ort zu geben. Wände die man mit Plänen und Skizzen behängen kann. Versteckspiel oder Clanbildung | urbanetix blog. Jimmy Wales on Collaboration. mobile. Microsoft SharePoint Designer Team Blog : Creating Master-Detail. Hi everyone, Allan Smith here. I’m a Software Development Engineer in Test on the SharePoint Designer Data team. I have a great example of using a server-side script data source to create Master-Detail views using the DataFormWebPart. My finished example is show in this screen shot: I will use Flickr services as my data source in this example thus there are a few pre-requisites before we can get started.

For this example I have decided to use the and methods. The overall approach I use to create this example is as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Create the Flickr Search Data Source: 1. (If the taskpane is not visible, go to the Task Pane menu and select Data Source Library) 2.

*Note: Server-side script is an odd name for historical reasons, but it is used when you specify a URL with parameters for a request and expect XML in the response. 3. A. B. I am using the following URL where my default search text is ‘tree’: c.