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Third-Party Services and Plugins - Facebook developers. (5/2) What are the "essential" node.js modules for a robust web framework for now. Mongoose. CoffeeScript. Rocking Out With CoffeeScript. Even though CoffeeScript is a new language, you'll learn it very quickly.

Rocking Out With CoffeeScript

You should, since it's only JavaScript flaunting with some flashy clothes, after all. It reads like Ruby or Python, but compiles down to pure, non-fluffy JavaScript. Today, we're going to take a look at why everyone is talking about CoffeeScript. A Word From the Author With the advent of powerful JavaScript engines, like V8, JavaScript has shed its stigma of a gimped tool for juvenile interactions and morphed into quite a powerhouse. Jade - Template Engine. Stylus. Meteor. Express - node.js web application framework. Express/examples at master · visionmedia/express.

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