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Pensamiento crítico

Facebook Twitter Destrezas_pensamiento_swartz_blog_educacion_smconectados. Walking the Walk: An Educator's Perspective from All Views. As an education professor, I recently decided it was time to walk the walk of my graduate and undergraduate students.

Walking the Walk: An Educator's Perspective from All Views

I was ready to experience what happens when the educational neuroscience and the social and emotional disciplines meet head-on with real-life challenges and opportunities. So, while continuing with my courses at the University, I became a fifth grade co-teacher, joining an incredible group of educators from Washington Township, a large public school district in Indianapolis. Joining a Courageous Pilot Program On Tuesday and Thursday mornings, I watch the scenery change from theory to practice when I meet with my team to plan, assess and observe academic standards.

Resources and Downloads for Teaching Critical Thinking. Tips for downloading: PDF files can be viewed on a wide variety of platforms -- both as a browser plug-in or a stand-alone application -- with Adobe's free Acrobat Reader program.

Resources and Downloads for Teaching Critical Thinking

Click here to download the latest version of Adobe Reader. Click on any title link below to view or download that file. Diestler_0205063454_Ch1.pdf. Habilidades del Siglo XXI - Pensamiento crítico. CriticalThinking.pdf. Bloom's and the Three Storey Intellect. A colleague has given me an excellent poster she has developed on the three storey intellect.

Bloom's and the Three Storey Intellect

As a taxonomy of higher and lower order thinking, it is a clean and simple model. The three storey intellect was inspired Oliver Wendell Holmes. Spanish concepts and tools.PDF. What is critical thinking? CriticalThinking. Pensamiento Crítico > > Los 10 mandamientos de la lógica. Publicado el 9/12/2013 Discutimos prácticamente todos los días.

Los 10 mandamientos de la lógica

Continuamente enfrentamos posturas con la gente que nos rodea. Unas veces lo hacemos de forma amigable, otra de forma menos amigable y acalorada. Yo considero que esto, siempre y cuando se haga de forma adecuada, es algo que nos enriquece como personas y que nos enseña más que muchos libros de los que lee una mayoría de la población. Pero insisto, sólo cuando se hace adecuadamente. Las falacias lógicas son proposiciones, argumentos, conclusiones o razonamientos presentados de forma aparentemente correcta. Hoy, navegando por Reddit me encontré con los 10 mandamientos de la lógica y he creído interesante traducirlos (adaptarlos) al español para que cada vez más gente sea consciente de todas las falacias que nos rodean cada día y cómo combatir contra ellas: Por supuesto, estas falacias no son las únicas y quizá incluso no sean las más populares.

Fuentes y más inforamción: Otras entradas que pueden resultar interesantes: Blooms, learning styles and thinking organisers. How do thinking/graphical organisers or mind mapping tools fit with Learning styles and Bloom's Revised taxonomy.

blooms, learning styles and thinking organisers

The key element to a thinking or graphical organiser is, in my opinion, the key or focusing question. No matter how complex or developing the model or organiser you are using, if the focusing question or topic is weak the end result will be poor. Bloom's arranges various activities in terms of increasing complexity going from Low Order Thinking skills to Higher Order Thinking skills. They represent the learning process, to understand one must remember, to apply a concept you must understand it etc Simple mind maps and concept diagrams are a brilliant tool for enabling students to remember and understand. Key Words Interpreting Exemplifying Summarising Inferring Paraphrasing Classifying Comparing ExplainingRecognising Listing Describing Identifying Retrieving Naming Locating/Finding Model Simple Flowchart This is a simple concept linking to next concept. Simple Concept map.

Ten Takeaway Tips for Teaching Critical Thinking. Suggestions from educators at KIPP King Collegiate High School on how to help develop and assess critical-thinking skills in your students.

Ten Takeaway Tips for Teaching Critical Thinking

Ideally, teaching kids how to think critically becomes an integral part of your approach, no matter what subject you teach. But if you're just getting started, here are some concrete ways you can begin leveraging your students' critical-thinking skills in the classroom and beyond. 1. Questions, questions, questions. Questioning is at the heart of critical thinking, so you want to create an environment where intellectual curiosity is fostered and questions are encouraged. In the beginning stages, you may be doing most of the asking to show your students the types of questions that will lead to higher-level thinking and understanding. What Are 21st-Century Skills? Learning to collaborate with others and connect through technology are essential skills in a knowledge-based economy.

What Are 21st-Century Skills?

ATC21S started with a group of more than 250 researchers across 60 institutions worldwide who categorized 21st-century skills internationally into four broad categories: Ways of thinking. Creativity, critical thinking, problem-solving, decision-making and learningWays of working. Communication and collaborationTools for working. Teaching strategies. Global education covers complex and controversial issues.

Teaching strategies

This is a selection of teaching and learning approaches that develop knowledge and skills to respond to global issues. Freedom fighter or terrorist? 10 Team-Building Games That Promote Collaborative Critical Thinking. One of education’s primary goals is to groom the next generation of little humans to succeed in the “real world.”

10 Team-Building Games That Promote Collaborative Critical Thinking

Yes, there are mounds of curricula they must master in a wide breadth of subjects, but education does not begin and end with a textbook or test. Other skills must be honed, too, not the least of which is how to get along with their peers and work well with others. This is not something that can be cultivated through rote memorization or with strategically placed posters. Beyond-Feelings. La enorme y urgente necesidad de una asignatura sobre pensamiento crítico. Lectura critica.