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User Experience Design Guidelines for Windows Phone. Designers Behind Facebook Timeline: 5 Lessons For Creating A UI With Soul | Co.Design. For most of computing history, interfaces have been about function. Word processing programs help you compose documents. Banking websites help you make transactions. Sites like Flickr help you display and share photographs. But Facebook’s Timeline (the new version of the user profile which is slated to be released to the general public “in the next few weeks”) wanted to do something more: It wanted to convey a feeling.

If Facebook had simply had utilitarian goals in mind for its new profile, like “Help me identify what happened in 2008,” designing Timeline would have been simple. But Facebook didn’t want to do that. Time Is The Most Universal Framework Across Cultures One of the primary decisions that had to be made was what the basic organizing framework would be. But they soon realized that wouldn’t scale. [Events are shown on either side of a timeline that runs down the middle of the page. Life Feels Like A Stream; Life’s UI Should Too Self-Expression Is About Content, Not Frills. Metadata design pattern for the web. Written by Brian Cray on October 1st, 2010 The Web is shifting. Web pages are no longer silos of information. Twitter, Facebook, and blogs are adding conversations to the web, and those conversations are context for web content that can potentially provide an amazing amount of value to users. The major shift began when people could begin commenting on diaries with Open Diary in 1998 and growing quickly in popularity when Google bought Blogger in 2003.

Today, conversations are happening everywhere, and more people are joining in every day. New problem: Conversations are silos But now conversations are falling into silos. But why do I care what others are saying? Twitter redesign is tearing down the silos Twitter's redesign is beginning to unlock this potential. After the redesign I instantly see what others are saying, who said it first, and even a peak at what's being discussed when I click on a tweet. Others want to demolish the walls, too Building a design pattern for metadata Applications. UX Movement - Articles on Interface Design. Le mythe de la métaphore. You’re not a user experience designer if… The UX field is booming. It seems like the number of user experience practitioners has doubled in the last year — from newbies who’ve just entered the workforce, to mid-career changes, to folks who’ve been doing this all along but finally found out what to call themselves.

It’s incredibly reassuring to finally see a long overdue interest in user experience practice; after all, that’s what many of us have spent our careers fighting for. I started this blog to give greater insight into how we think, how we work, and how we benefit customers and companies alike. I consider myself lucky to be among many professionals who speak at conferences around the world in an effort to bring UX into the mainstream. And it’s working! There’s just one problem: not everyone calling themselves a user experience designer is actually a user experience designer. Unfortunately the designation isn’t as clear cut as a doctor or a lawyer. You’re not a user experience designer if… You don’t talk to users. Information Architecture 101: Techniques and Best Practices. By Cameron Chapman Information architecture (IA) is an often-overlooked area of website design. Too often, as designers, we just let the CMS we’re using dictate how content for a site is organized.

And that works fine as long as the site fits perfectly into the narrow content formats most CMSs are designed around. But too often, a website’s content breaks the boundaries of most CMSs. Without a clear understanding of how information architecture works, we can end up creating sites that are more confusing than they need to be or, at worst, make our content virtually inaccessible. It’s a shame, considering that the basics of good information architecture are no more difficult to learn than the basics of good web design. This guide covers the fundamentals of information architecture for organizing website content. Information Architecture Design Patterns There are a number of different IA design patterns[1] for effective organization of website content. Single Page Flat Structure Index Page L.L.

UX Myths.