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Simple Everyday Tips For Slow Living And A Longer Life. Have you noticed that the years seem to pass faster, and seasons change sooner? That days have become shorter, and we live at a quicker pace despite longer years? Have you noticed how slow movies from the ’50s and ’60s are? We now live faster, think faster, and act faster than we used to. We have managed to develop an environment around us that has become faster than the human mind. The concept of slow living is a lifestyle approach that suggests slowing down everyday life for a longer and better-quality life. We all have habits that are just that—habits. 2. Multi-tasking makes us nervous, and the day rushes by when we do it. 3. We are too used to noise—the TV and radio are on, but nobody listens to or watches them. 4.

We are connected all the time. 5. Have you ever noticed how stressful your ringing phone is? 6. Use waiting time, not for stressful thinking, but for simple observations and enjoying details. “In the end, it’s not the years in your life that count. Abraham Lincoln. 10 things nannies won’t tell you - 10 things. Writing in Third Person Can Spark Recovery. This Is How Cats See the World - Wired Science. The blurriness at the edge of the photos represents the area of peripheral vision in humans (20 degrees, top) and cats (30 degrees, bottom). [High-res image] Cats can't clearly focus on objects that are more than 20 feet away. [High-res image] Cats' color vision is less vibrant than humans', a result of different densities of photoreceptors in their retinas. [High-res image] Cats' visual fields span 200 degrees; humans can only see 180 degrees.

[High-res image] Cats can see much better in dim light than humans can. [High-res image]In addition to seeing better in the dark, cats are also better than humans at picking up quick movements. [High-res image] The blurriness at the edge of the photos represents the area of peripheral vision in humans (20 degrees, top) and cats (30 degrees, bottom). No one ever talks about what the world looks like if you’re a cat. But we rarely consider how the internet’s favorite subject sees the world. All Photos: Nickolay Lamm, in consultation with Kerry L. 10 things nannies won’t tell you - 10 things. U.S. faces a married couples’ retirement crisis. By Richard Eisenberg You know about America’s retirement savings woes, but you might not be aware that the nation may be facing another, more personal disaster.

Call it The Married Couples’ Retirement Crisis. “Over the years, I have seen many couples who enjoyed a long, happy marriage only to be thwarted by serious marital problems when one or both people retired,” writes Chicago psychologist Sara Yogev in her new book, A Couple’s Guide to Happy Retirement: For Better or For Worse…But Not For Lunch . “I’m convinced that a troubling trend has emerged that will bedevil retiring couples for years to come.” Remember to do things together. Newly retired individuals, Yogev notes, report the lowest marital satisfaction and highest conflict compared with those who are retired a long time or still employed. One reason, as the new 2013 Fidelity Investment Couples Retirement Study suggests, is that married couples who aren’t yet retired disagree a lot about how, when and where they’ll retire.

The 9 Happiness Mistakes You're Probably Making. In her TED talk on the power of vulnerability, University of Houston research professor Brené Brown stated that running away from hard feelings is actually inhibiting our abilities to experience bliss. When we avoid difficult emotions, Brown said, "we numb joy, we numb gratitude [and] we numb happiness. " Our natural tendency to avoid pain, in other words, could be the reason why we're not achieving ultimate contentment.

Brown's point poses a significant question: Are some of our coping mechanisms -- even the small, daily habits we form -- inadvertently standing in the way of our own happiness? While incorporating "happiness" habits may be a manageable way to integrate joy into our lives every day, they could be doing more harm than good when it comes to our overall, longterm satisfaction -- and we may not even realize it.

Below, find the nine mistakes you're probably making that are detrimental to your overall happiness. You’re placing too much emphasis on fulfillment. You’re not moving. How a Radical New Teaching Method Could Unleash a Generation of Geniuses | Wired Business. He started by telling them that there were kids in other parts of the world who could memorize pi to hundreds of decimal points. They could write symphonies and build robots and airplanes. Most people wouldn't think that the students at José Urbina López could do those kinds of things. Kids just across the border in Brownsville, Texas, had laptops, high-speed Internet, and tutoring, while in Matamoros the students had intermittent electricity, few computers, limited Internet, and sometimes not enough to eat.

"But you do have one thing that makes you the equal of any kid in the world," Juárez Correa said. "Potential. " He looked around the room. Paloma was silent, waiting to be told what to do. "So," Juárez Correa said, "what do you want to learn? " In 1999, Sugata Mitra was chief scientist at a company in New Delhi that trains software developers. Over the years, Mitra got more ambitious. Over the next 75 days, the children worked out how to use the computer and began to learn. Fit & Health : Sara Novak. Struggling with weight isn't anything new. And a healthy weight isn't always skinny. For some of us being super skinny just isn't a reality. But when you talk to those blessed with a bod to kill for, what do they have in common? 1. They stop eating at 8 p.m. Thin people never eat late at night. 2. When we're super tired that's when we eat the most. 3. This is a hard one because some people (including myself) lose weight when they're worried and stressed and some people gain weight. 4.

To some degree, skinny people eat what they want. 5. The body is almost 60 percent water and thin people realize that in order to be thin, this part of the body needs to be replenished constantly. 6. Regularly eating at restaurants, with all the oversized servings and added oil and fats is bad enough, but eating your whole meal never equals skinny. 7. 8. Women that drink moderately tend to weight less according to a study reported in The New York Times. 9. Photo: iStock/Thinkstock. How to Make a Commute Better. Students Need Great Teachers—Not Just the Latest Tech - The Experts. Reinventing the pain scale in the emergency department. All people are gifted. As an emergency room physician, I see a wide variety of gifts, such as yodeling, knitting, and swearing (mostly swearing). One gift I rarely see is math. As a whole, the U.S. sucks at math.

When compared with other nations, the U.S. ranks 32nd in math (though first in confidence). Despite this, we expect mathematical coherency from our drunkest friends. I enter the room to find Mom. Me: Hi, I’m here to evalu– Mom: He’s in the shower. Me: Excuse me? Me: We have a shower? Patient (drunken shouting): I’m in the shower! Me: Why is he in the shower? Mom: I’m not sure. Patient: I was cold! Mom: He was cold. Me: But … he’s been assaulted? Mom: The doctor’s here to see you! Patient (drunken anger): I’M TAKING A SHOWER! Me: Are you in pain? Patient: Um, yeah, it’s 10/10, but come back later! Mom: Can you come back later?

Me: I guess I’ll come back later. Patient begins singing Michael Jackson’s “I’m Bad” loudly. My next patient, a 22-year-old with no history, had back pain. Me: Ah. Chronic Exposure to Airplane Noise Might Harm the Heart: Study. Levels of heart disease, stroke rose along with exposure, researchers say Why do I need to register or sign in for WebMD to save? We will provide you with a dropdown of all your saved articles when you are registered and signed in. WebMD News from HealthDay By Robert Preidt HealthDay Reporter WEDNESDAY, Oct. 9 (HealthDay News) -- People who put up with the constant roar of aircraft overhead may be at higher risk for heart disease, two new studies suggest. In one study, British researchers compared rates of stroke and heart disease among 3.6 million people who lived near London's sprawling Heathrow airport, one of the busiest transit hubs in the world. The results showed that these people were at heightened risk for death and hospitalization from heart issues.

In the second study, researchers analyzed data from more than 6 million people aged 65 and older who lived near 89 U.S. airports during 2009. Continue reading below... Heart experts weren't surprised by the findings. Dr. Le vêtement hybride : le jweat de Miley Cyrus. Is Pain a Construct of the Mind? We are more often frightened than hurt; and we suffer more from imagination than from reality.

—Lucius Annaeus Seneca Dennis Rogers is an unassuming guy. He's on the short side. And though muscular, he doesn't come across as the kind of towering Venice Beach, muscle-bound Arnold that you might expect from someone billed as the World's Strongest Man. Rather he has the kind of avuncular intensity you find in a great automobile mechanic—a mechanic who happens to be able to lift an engine with one hand while using the fingertips of the other hand to wrench the spark plugs out.

Like it's nothing. Rogers, who has been known to keep two U.S. What if, instead of superpowered muscles, Rogers has a normal—though extremely well exercised—body, and his abilities arise because he can withstand more pain than most mere mortals? Maybe Rogers's muscle cells are normal, and he experiences pain as most of us do but chooses to disregard it when he feels in command. (Further Reading) How Do You Feel?

Lot-et-Garonne : les producteurs de pruneaux en colère. Nathan Heller: How San Francisco’s Entrepreneurial Culture Is Changing the Country. The way to meet up with Johnny Hwin, one of the best-connected kids in San Francisco, is to stand at the garage door of a small repair shop in the iffy section of the Mission District and dial his cell phone until it stops ringing into voice mail and the call goes through. This takes a while, sometimes, because Hwin silences his phone and forgets about it. In the meantime, there’s a lot going on at the corner—commuters edging by with messenger bags, shirtless men in dire straits wandering past. After half an hour, maybe a lot sooner, Hwin will call you back and tell you to stay right where you are, because he’s just leaving his place.

It’s unclear from which direction he is coming, or how far, and so you might meander toward a nearby mural, called “Diversity in Progress” (it depicts a blooming tree beside a guy in a sombrero), or perhaps toward a pentagon-shaped house squatting among Victorians like the lost piece of a Lego set. Hwin is twenty-eight, but could be younger. VIDÉO - La flamme olympique s'éteint... - - Pause sport. Sébastien Loeb: 5 choses qui démontrent que le pilote n'est pas le plus grand sportif français avec ses 9 titres de champion du monde. SPORT - C'était un petit événement dans le monde du sport français.

Ce week-end, Sébastien Loeb disputait le dernier rallye de sa carrière, chez lui en Alsace. Pour ce rallye de France, aux côtés de son fidèle copilote Daniel Elana, il avait pris le départ de sa 168e course. Malheureusement, il ne l'aura pas terminée en beauté. Après une sortie de route, le champion a été contraint à l'abandon: RT @BleuAlsace: @Loeb_Seb1 a abandonné. Suivez notre live— Nadine BAPTISTE (@Koividi) October 6, 2013 Comme tout le monde le sait, ce ne sont pas les records qui manquent au pilote alsacien: 9 titres de champion du monde consécutifs, 78 rallyes gagnés, 116 podiums, 896 spéciales remportées... Sébastien Loeb n'est... ... Et oui. Un palmarès qui envoie comme on dit, dans un sport certes moins médiatique que le rallye. ... pas le mieux payé En 2012, le salaire annuel fixe de Sébastien Loeb a été de 4 millions d'euros. ... presque pas exposé Et Facebook?

Lifehacker. Le moment populiste de Manuel Valls. Que quelques milliers de Roms présents en France arrivent à produire un tel débat qui secoue les socialistes jusque dans l’instance gouvernementale, voilà ce qui constitue un fait politique majeur qui ne peut être effacé. On sent bien qu’au-delà des questions de sécurité, d’intégration ou du chômage, toutes réelles et difficiles qu’elles soient, au-delà même de la crise économique et sociale qui s’aggrave, quelque chose d’autre est en train de se rejouer quant à la question du politique.

Mais quoi ? A l’évidence, la rhétorique populiste de Marine Le Pen a triomphé – elle fait tout d’ailleurs pour que le FN ne soit plus considéré comme un parti d’extrême droite– et ce que nous appelons « le moment Valls » n’est rien d’autre que l’infiltration chez les socialistes français de la problématique populiste. Les défenseurs de Manuel Valls disent tous qu’on ne peut reprocher à ce dernier d’avoir « parlé vrai » (ce qu’ils présentent comme une vertu démocratique), d’avoir dit la vérité. La croisade oubliée du cardinal Ratzinger, par Maurice Lemoine. Dans les commentaires sur la renonciation du pape Benoît XVI, une tonalité domine : en quittant son trône avec « courage et panache », le souverain pontife se conforme aux critères de la modernité. Pourtant, en Amérique latine, le souvenir qu’a laissé l’ex-cardinal Joseph Ratzinger restera associé à un grand bond en arrière.

Retour sur les années 1960 — époque où dom Hélder Câmara, l’archevêque de Recife qui incarne la conscience des catholiques progressistes du continent, fait le constat demeuré célèbre : « Quand je donne à manger aux pauvres, on dit que je suis un saint ; quand je demande pourquoi ils sont pauvres, on me traite de communiste. » La misère, l’analphabétisme, la marginalisation de dizaines de millions d’habitants ont provoqué la radicalisation d’un grand nombre de chrétiens ainsi que de certains membres de la hiérarchie. Du 26 août au 6 septembre 1968, inaugurée par Paul VI, la deuxième conférence générale de l’épiscopat latino-américain se réunit à Medellín (Colombie). Gen. Vo Nguyen Giap, Who Ousted U.S. From Vietnam, Is Dead. The death was reported by several Vietnamese news organizations, including the respected Tuoi Tre Online, which said he had died in an army hospital.

General Giap was among the last survivors of a generation of Communist revolutionaries who in the decades after freed Vietnam of colonial rule and fought a superpower to a stalemate. In his later years, he was a living reminder of a war that was mostly old history to the Vietnamese, many of whom were born after it had ended. But he had not faded away. He was regarded as an elder statesman whose hard-line views had softened with the cessation of the war that unified Vietnam. He supported economic reform and closer relations with the United States while publicly warning of the spread of Chinese influence and the environmental costs of industrialization. To his American adversaries, however, from the early 1960s to the mid-1970s, he was perhaps second only to his mentor, Ho Chi Minh, as the face of a tenacious, implacable enemy.

The First Illicit Thing You Read. Métisse, elle découvre que son grand-père était le commandant du camp de la Liste de Schindler. Que faire de sa vie lorsqu'on apprend une fois adulte que son grand-père était chef de camp de concentration en Pologne? Ecrire un livre, bien sûr. C'est donc ce qu'a fait Jennifer Teege, 43 ans, dont la BBC raconte l'incroyable histoire.

Jennifer a grandi en Allemagne dans un orphelinat et n’a vu sa mère que rarement jusqu’à l’âge de 7 ans. Par la suite, elle a été élevée dans une famille adoptive et n’a plus vu sa mère qu’une fois, lorsqu’elle avait une vingtaine d’années. Elle savait très peu de choses de son passé, sinon que son père était un étudiant nigérien avec lequel sa mère avait eu une aventure. publicité C’est en 2008, à Hambourg, qu’elle tombe par hasard sur un livre écrit par sa mère, qui contient des archives photographiques d’un homme, Amon Leopold Göth, dont elle comprend alors qu’elle est la petite-fille.

Un choc, puisque Goeth n’est autre que le SS-Hauptsturmführer qui a commandé, de 1943 à 1944, le camp de concentration de Plaszow en Pologne. À lire aussi sur Mia Farrow a-t-elle eu un fils avec Sinatra? Webdoc.franceinter. Nicolas Bedos chez Ruquier: semaine 2 (ONPC du 28-09-13) NY school team calls it quits after football death. 12 Things Happy People Do Differently -- And Why I Started Doing Them | Jacob Sokol.

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