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Writing tips

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The Rewrite. Language Is A Virus Site Map. The Chronology of Storytelling by Faraleigh on DeviantArt. 100 Theme Challenge for your OC's by Fehnwrites on DeviantArt. 10 Easy Tips to Improve Your Writing. by Fehnwrites on DeviantArt. Writing Lesson: Naming Your Character by Fehnwrites on DeviantArt. Writing Lesson: Your Character's Parents by Fehnwrites on DeviantArt. Writers Notes - Dialogue by DarkDelusion on DeviantArt. Character Tips 5 - Dreams by Shade-Arts on DeviantArt. How to write a book. 101 of the Best Fiction Writing Tips, Part I. What if someone went through the biggest and best blogs on the internet, and pulled out the very best-of-the best tips for fiction writers?

101 of the Best Fiction Writing Tips, Part I

That’s what I’ve attempted to do here. I can’t guarantee there aren’t some amazingly helpful writing tips that I haven’t included, but this is a good start. I’ve also tried to steer clear of really obvious tips like “show, don’t tell” or “make your characters unforgettable,” in favour of ones that are less often discussed. To learn more about the tips, click through to their original articles. Thanks to all these amazing bloggers for their valuable advice! Now, head over to: 10 top writing tips and the psychology behind them. Tips about Novel Writing from Fiction Writer's Connection - The 7 Essential Elements of a Bestselling Novel. On Wednesday afternoon, legal thriller author and writing instructor William Bernhardt (the Ben Kincaid series) outlined the 7 elements he says make for an unputdownable novel–be it thriller, mystery, suspense or other.

The 7 Essential Elements of a Bestselling Novel

Here are his his guidelines for crafting a blockbuster. 1. Readability All authors should strive for clarity, but bestselling authors go beyond simply getting the point across by creating a narrative that’s “unputdownable.” Extreme readability is the result of writing, rewriting, editing and rewriting again. This column by Adrienne Crezo, managing editor of Writer’s Digest magazine. 2. “You don’t need fantastical elements” to create a “strange new world” for your protagonist. 3. Many writers shy from controversy to avoid alienating or offending readers. 4. If your lead misses her bus but then gets right on the next without incident, you’ll lose a reader’s attention pretty quickly. 5. One could argue that all legal thrillers are inherently similar. 6. 7.

No Related Posts. Get Me Writing » 5 Interactive Fiction Authoring Tools. EmailEmail If you want to get into writing Interactive Fiction (IF) it can be hard to know where to get started.

Get Me Writing » 5 Interactive Fiction Authoring Tools

So here is a list of five IF authoring tools so you can pick the approach that’s best for you. This is an update of a post I wrote way back in 2010. It’s been a long time and some helpful folks have pointed out some things I’ve missed, so it’s well overdue for an update. Enjoy! Because this is a long one, here are some quick links in case you came here for a specific tool:Twine Inform TADS Quest ADRIFT Twine (Mac, Windows, Linux) Summary Visual interfaceProduces HTML-based stories (that require javascript)Has limited support for basic programmingGood entry-level system. Tips for Writers. Writing Tips. 123 Ideas for Character Flaws) Writepop - Science fiction stories, humor, and writing about writing. A thousand lifetimes in space – Living on a generation ship 1,000 human beings are selected to board a spaceship headed for the stars.

Writepop - Science fiction stories, humor, and writing about writing

The trip is so long that they will die in space, but their descendants will reach a new planet. To save room on the generation ship, the original population of the ship is all women, with children to be produced by artificial insemination. The first “in-space” generation grows up in a society controlled by women.Variation – To save space on the generation ship, all the original passengers are female.

All the children are produced by artificial insemination, all from female embryos.