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Earthship Biotecture Green Buildings. Green City China. British design consultancy Arup has announced that it has been tapped by the Chinese government to lead the construction of an "eco-city" expansion to Shanghai. Dongtan, the expanded development near Shanghai's airport, will eventually cover about 8,800 hectares -- roughly the size of Manhattan island. Shanghai claims that the Dongtan project will be "the world's first genuinely eco-friendly city," using recycled water, cogeneration and biomass for energy, and striving to be as carbon-neutral as possible.

The first phase, a 630 hectare development including a mix of transport facilities, schools, housing and high-tech industrial spaces, will begin construction late next year, and is expected to be completed by 2010. So what does it mean to be a "genuinely eco-friendly city? " Priority projects include the process of capturing and purifying water in the landscape to support life in the city.

This isn't the only green city project in China. The projects aren't identical, however. "Mr. X-SEED 4000. The €/Helsinki underground Master plan [Watch it to Believe it] ELENIN NIBIRU BBC News Secret Underground City For Sale. BIG | Bjarke Ingels Group. Pooktre Tree Shapers — Dre Wapenaar // Canvas-, Steel-, and Woodprojects // Treetents. Secrets of the Great Wall (1/5) Green home builders.

Meet the Aquanauts: Moving Humankind Into the Ocean. If you’ve ever wanted to escape the noise and crowds of modern city life, why not retreat to the ocean depths? It’s peaceful in the water, and your only neighbors are fish, sharks and various otherworldly marine animals. The subject has been broached in countless science fiction stories over the years, and underwater cities are often seen as the utopias of tomorrow. Today, with the human population exploding and land becoming scarcer and scarcer in some areas of the world, some groups believe that moving humans into the ocean – which covers 70% of the planet – will be humankind’s next step.

But while plenty of research facilities exist underwater already, no one has actually tried residing underwater permanently. And quite honestly, we can’t be sure how it would affect our bodies – or how to deal with carbon dioxide removal. But one man, Dennis Chamberland, is dedicated to furthering the research into humans living underwater.

LEED home sustainablilty rating. We believe in better buildings; places that complement our environment and enhance our communities. Places that give people better, brighter, healthier spaces to live, work and play. Green building is a win-win, offering both environmental and economic opportunity. Greater building efficiency can meet 85 percent of future demand for energy in the United States and a commitment to green building has the potential to generate 2.5 million jobs. Who we are USGBC is made up of tens of thousands of member organizations, chapters and student and community volunteers that are moving the building industry forward in a way that has never been seen before.

We are a diverse group of builders and environmentalists, corporations and nonprofits, teachers and students, lawmakers and citizens. What we do We are transforming the building landscape in a number of ways. LEED — The most widely recognized and widely used green building program across the globe. USGBC's mission USGBC's vision Leading by example. Scottsdale Arizona Gardening | Phoenix plants, fountains, bbqs & more -