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Kaizen. Kaizen (改善?)


, Japanese for "improvement" or "change for the best", refers to philosophy or practices that focus upon continuous improvement of processes in manufacturing, engineering, business management or any process. It has been applied in healthcare,[1] psychotherapy,[2] life-coaching, government, banking, and other industries.

When used in the business sense and applied to the workplace, kaizen refers to activities that continually improve all functions, and involves all employees from the CEO to the assembly line workers. It also applies to processes, such as purchasing and logistics, that cross organizational boundaries into the supply chain.[3] By improving standardized activities and processes, kaizen aims to eliminate waste (see lean manufacturing). Kaizen was first implemented in several Japanese businesses after the Second World War, influenced in part by American business and quality management teachers who visited the country. Overview[edit] History[edit] See also[edit] Toyota Production System.

The Toyota Production System (TPS) is an integrated socio-technical system, developed by Toyota, that comprises its management philosophy and practices.

Toyota Production System

The TPS organizes manufacturing and logistics for the automobile manufacturer, including interaction with suppliers and customers. The system is a major precursor of the more generic "lean manufacturing. " 50 Ways You Can Be Brave Today. 7 Ways to Enhance Focus, Creativity, Productivity and Performance.

Good habits

Mental Health. Resilience. 19. Skills You'll Need to Beat Anxiety. {*style:<b> Anxiety and Perfectionism 1. The Ability to Tolerate Uncertainty </b>*} Studies have shown that intolerance of uncertainty is a key factor in anxiety and depression ( Study example ). Intolerance of uncertainty is anxiety when you can't be 100 percent sure a negative event won't happen. Shawn Achor: The happy secret to better work. What Not To Do (when you're depressed, anxious, drunk or high) I've met clients over the years who, in various conversations, said quite emphatically that one of their regrets is that they did something really impulsive when they were in a less than functional mindset: they were really really depressed, unbelievably anxious, or drunk or high on something like...

What Not To Do (when you're depressed, anxious, drunk or high)

(fill in the blank). Left in Limbo. Depression has many phases.

Left in Limbo

It comes on. It rages. It remits. What if We're Wrong About the "Cause" of Mental Illness? This may be the month we put together enough evidence that childhood trauma may not be the "responsible" agent in causing serious mental disorders to at least make us reconsider our popular theories.

What if We're Wrong About the "Cause" of Mental Illness?

Of course there's been plenty of prior evidence, but fixed ideas, even wrong ones, are hard to change. On March 2, a story by Jeremy Laurence appeared, reporting that a common acne antibiotic was found, quite by accident, to alleviate symptoms in patients with schizophrenia . This was a shocking surprise for some, especially clinicians I imagine. The belief that curing mental illness happens by overcoming childhood trauma has been the anchor of psychotherapy since the last century, despite plenty of contrary evidence. Affirmation on Your Desktop. — Muhammad Ali I took an airplane flight the other day, which was smooth but nonetheless eventful.

Affirmation on Your Desktop

Personal Growth: Do You Have Needs or NEEDS! Just as your basic physical needs (e.g., food, water, shelter) must be met to ensure your physical survival and growth, another set of needs must also be satisfied to guarantee your psychological and emotional survival and growth.

Personal Growth: Do You Have Needs or NEEDS!

These needs include: Feeling loved ("I'm worthwhile"), Allaying insecurity ("I'm safe"), Feeling competent ("I'm capable"), Feeling in control ("I'm in charge"), and Guarding against negative emotions ("I feel good"). Every human being has these needs and they, in and of themselves, are neither healthy nor unhealthy, functional nor dysfunctional; they are simply a part of what drives us as humans. We don't have the capabilities at a young age to satisfy these needs ourselves, so we rely on parents and other caregivers to meet these needs. Welcome to Yi-Yuan Body Mind Science. Dr.

Welcome to Yi-Yuan Body Mind Science

Yi-Yuan Tang Dr. Tang was born in China and started eastern traditional practice and training when he was very young and learned different body-mind methods and techniques from more than 20 teachers. The Yoga Revolution... and Its Opponents. Yoga has established health benefits, and some risks Yoga is an ancient Indian discipline with the ultimate goals of uniting mind, body,and spirit, and of transcending the boundaries of the self to become one with the universal consciousness. It began in India thousands of years ago, taught by swamis to their students. The mind-body benefits of Yoga have been widely touted by health magazines and celebrities, yet some experts have warned that there are risks in practicing complicated Yoga poses without correct mental preparation and spiritual mindset. has added fuel to the fire by publishing an article describing serious injuries resulting from Yoga, such as spinal stenosis, stroke, or nerve compression.

7 Ways to Enhance Focus, Creativity, Productivity and Performance. Understanding Intuition and How the Mind Works. Steve Jobs, in his famous Stanford University Commencement Address (2005), advised students not to let the “noise of other’s opinions drown out your own inner voice”, but rather “have the courage to follow your heart and intuition”.

Understanding Intuition and How the Mind Works

Few psychologists would deny that we possess a subtle mind that can be a great source of strength, joy, and creative insight. However, as psychological scientists, our task is to understand how the subtle, ‘intuitive’ mind works and thus avoid any simple-minded, romantic proclamations. Overthinking It? Einstein Beware! Mavericks Not Welcome. In 1905, Albert Einstein produced four papers that revolutionized physics -- changing science's and society's entire view of the universe and our place within it.

Einstein Beware! Mavericks Not Welcome

He proposed that light existed as discrete particles rather than purely as waves (called quantum theory), determined the size of atoms and the impact of atoms and molecules on the motion of microscopic particles on the surface of water (at a time when the existence of these building blocks of nature were in dispute), and modified Newton's centuries-old view of space and time by proposing them to be variable (relativity). These things scared people! They certainly offended the large majority of scientists. Owning Your Life. “I concern others and they concern me” ( Ethics of Ambiguity ). French philosopher Simone de Beauvoir sums it up. We’re not alone. Our actions and omissions affect others. The 'Busy' Trap. The manic defence is the tendency, when presented with uncomfortable thoughts or feelings, to distract the conscious mind either with a flurry of activity or with the opposite thoughts or feelings.

A general example of the manic defence is the person who spends all of his time rushing around from one task to the next, and who is unable to tolerate even short periods of inactivity. The Most Powerful Word in Your Life. All words are not created equal. Some, like the words “peace” or “love,” can turn on genes that will reduce physical and emotional stress [a], while others can cause the release of stress-provoking neurochemicals in the brain.

Standards of Critical Thinking. What is critical thinking? Self-Sabotage: The Enemy Within. Why We Self-Sabotage Our Success. Why Quitters Win. Are You Proactive or Reactive. Character Development: The Heart of Any Story Worth Living. Is Conscientiousness Compatible with Creativity? 7 Ways to Enhance Focus, Creativity, Productivity and Performance. Exceeding Expectations. How to Keep Your Cool with Competitive People. Finding Flow this weekend. 12 Laws of True Power.


10 Ways to Boost Your Self-Confidence. Self-Control. Stress Management.