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Statistics & Data

Facebook Twitter Free data, statistics, analysis, visualization & sharing - List of national and international statistical services. The following is a list of national and international statistical services. Central national statistical services[edit] Nearly every country in the world has set a central public sector unit entirely devoted to the production, harmonisation and dissemination of official statistics that the public sector and the national community need to run, monitor and evaluate their operations and policies. This central statistical organisation does not produce every official statistic as other public sector organisations, like the national central bank or ministries in charge of agriculture, education or health, may be charged with producing and disseminating sector policy oriented statistical data.

The statistical legislation and regulation generally attribute responsibilities and authorities according to statistical domains or functions in addition to those of the central unit. The table below lists these central statistical organisations by country. Africa[edit] Americas[edit] Asia[edit] Europe[edit] Data and Statistics United States. Dutch statistics bureau. Eurostat Home.

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