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Sysomos | Business Intelligence for Social Media, Social Media Monitoring and Analytics. Git changes the game of distributed Web development. Version control systems (VCSs) provide a mechanism for applying and managing changes to sets of files in a project and are commonly used in team-oriented software, documentation, and other online development projects. VCSs are just as critical to development projects as system backups, as they enable multiple users to submit changes to the same files or project without one developer's changes accidentally overwriting another's. Even if Linus Torvalds hadn't developed the Linux® operating system kernel, he might be just as famous for having created the Git VCS. Projects as complex as Linux are the ultimate system test for a VCS, so it's no surprise that Git has quickly evolved into a stable, powerful, and flexible system.

Linux and UNIX® systems are knee-deep in VCSs, ranging from dinosaurs such as the Revision Control System (RCS) and the Concurrent Versions System (CVS) to more modern systems such as Subversion, Mercurial, Bazaar, Arch, and Darcs. Git: more than just a VCS Back to top. SECRET BUTTON ON YOUTUBE !!!! Nice and Free CSS Templates. DropKick - a jQuery plugin for beautiful dropdowns. BgPatterns — Background Patterns Maker. Photo editor online / free image editing direct in your browser - TorrentFreak | Torrent News, Torrent Sites and the latest Scoops. How to Set Up Tor on an iPhone.