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Introducing the New Page Insights. 2 Ways To Remove Scroll Bar from Facebook Page iFrame Tab Apps. I found new code that has resolved the scroll bar issue with Facebook page iFrame tabs 100% of the time for me: Read my article here where I’ve shared the code *** End of update *** Another major problem people are telling me about with their iFrame tab application for Facebook Fan Pages is the scroll bar. The scroll bar within the iFrame tab Facebook application occurs when one of two parameters are met: 1) If the elements of the Facebook application exceed the maximum width of 520px. 2) If the elements of the Facebook application exceed the default height set by the iFrame, which I believe is somewhere around 500px tall. How to fix the scroll bar in the Facebook iFrame tab apps: There is only one way, or one piece of code, that I know of that resolve (or resizes) your Facebook application: FB.Canvas.setSize The fb.canvas.setsize element goes in the header of your application and tells the canvas what size to adjust to.

But what about when the scroll bar is still there? Points to remember: Facebook Step by Step.


Discover Facebook’s developer tools. Facebook Wall - a jQuery Social Media Plugin. jQuery Plugin Our jQuery plugin fb.wall was a nice plugin to display the Facebook Wall of a user or a page on your website. The design of the wall derives from the Facebook look’n’feel and can be customized easily via CSS. We developed fb.wall in 2010 and our plugin became very popular all over the world. Since 2010 Facebook changed their Graph API a lot of times, they added server request limits and the need of access tokens.

With a pure JavaScript solution it was not possible to provide access tokens in a safe way. Neosmart STREAM is the offical successor of fb.wall It’s a mighty plugin to display your Facebook newsfeed. Facebook Etiquette: 10 Rules for Better Socializing - PCWorld. What's okay on Facebook? On sites like MySpace, anything goes (or seems to), but the rules of etiquette on Facebook seem to be a little more refined--not a lot, mind you, but a little. Keep these tips in mind, whether you're making your first friend or your 1000th. Who should you friend? Some people adopt an everyone-welcome policy on Facebook and accept all friend requests; some only want real-world contacts in their friends list. Easy on the updates. "Now, choose 12 friends... " Limit Facebook chat. No pokes. Avoid "Group think.” Beware of embarrassing photos. Tag lightly. Or... untag thyself. Ignore away. How To Build A Facebook Landing Page With iFrames | SocialMouths.

I know it has been on your mind lately: How do I build a landing tab on Facebook now that FBML is gone? What are iFrames anyways? Is this now in the hands of super-geek programmers only? Can Francisco from SocialMouths write another one of those spectacular posts like he did with the Facebook FBML Landing Tabs? Well, that post I mention has 44,405 pageviews in 4 months. But I want to do something massive, a monster post with some 2,500 words where I explain every single step with plenty links and screenshots. Important: There is a little surprise at the end of the post so make sure you don’t miss it! I should advise you that the post is full of screenshots and it might take longer than usual for the page to load so have some patience. You ready? Goals For This Post What’s The Difference Between FBML And iFrames FBML was nothing but regular HTML with a few Facebook tags that allowed you to customize tabs.

iFrames Some of the common questions I had in the past few days: Design Your Page 2. 3. 3. Archive Facebook, Twitter and More with Cloud Preservation - ReadWriteCloud. Splashnology.