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Good eats

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I love chicken nuggets and ungodly amount.

Lollies - a little ART CAN'T HURT. A perfect rainy day thing to do!

lollies - a little ART CAN'T HURT

The colors make any day better! How to make LOLLIESyou will need: jolly ranchers, candy sticks, parchment paper, foil & a cookie sheet 1) lay a piece of foil on cookie sheet. cover foil with a piece of parchment paper.2) unwrap candies and place side by side on parchment paper in your choice of color & flavor combinations. use three candies together for extra large lollies, and only two candies together for regular lollies.3) heat candies in oven for about 5 minutes at 200 degrees. keep a close eye on the candies and take them out as soon as they've barely melted together. if you leave them in too long they will melt too much and you won't be able to put a stick into the lollie. alter the cook time accordingly.4) carefully take cookie sheet out of oven. immediately lay candy sticks into place on melted candies. slowly twirl in melted candy to coat the stick and so it will hold in the lollie. they're hot!

Mac and Cheese Cups. Share this image Share It Pin It When I first graduated from college, and was living in a dreary little apartment, mac and cheese was one of my few specialties.

Mac and Cheese Cups

Granted it was straight from a box, but it was one of those meals that made me feel like I was home.


Dinner things. Pre-dinner snacks. Bacon Roses.