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A Designer’s Guide to Working with Product Managers. Content = Clients: The No Bullshit Guide To Selling, Managing & Keeping Customers – Creatomic – Medium. I’m not going to sit here and write some bullshit about how content is king and 37% of content marketers think that people like clicking on red links vs. blue links (I don’t even know if that stat is true) or about how to generate a million bucks in revenue with a blog.

Content = Clients: The No Bullshit Guide To Selling, Managing & Keeping Customers – Creatomic – Medium

I don’t know, I feel like 2009 was the peak period for that kind of crap, and nobody who has anything to do with running an online business needs another list post about it. What I want to do is show you a process and a toolset for managing the leads you gain from your content once you’ve captured their attention, and hopefully give you some realistic information that you can use to get more clients from your traffic, and manage those clients better.

The fact of the matter is, most people running a business don’t know anything about managing a client except the age old saying “The Customer Is Always Right” — which is a bullshit saying anyway. Here’s what I want to cover: Love this chart. 99Designs research at work here. Product Management Framework: Optimal Product Process. Project Management Life Cycle Methodology. Comparing the Product Manager and the Product Owner Role. Understanding the Product Manager and the Product Owner Role With the wide scale adoption of Agile methods amongst software development teams, understanding the difference between the Product Manager and the Product Owner role is a frequent discussion topic in our Agile training course.

Comparing the Product Manager and the Product Owner Role

To begin to explain the topic requires some framing. First, we will look at Product Manager and Product Owner as roles, not titles. The responsibilities of Product Managers and Product Owners vary widely by title and are often historic artifacts of a company’s heritage. Thus, many Product Owners perform Product Management responsibilities and many Product Managers perform Product Ownership responsibilities. Second, for the purpose of this post, we will define the Product Owner role as described in Scrum and the Scrum Guide. Product Owner is a defined role in the Scrum framework and has specific responsibilities and authority.

To be a Product Owner, one must fulfill all of the listed responsibilities. Fashion Trends 2016: Google Data Shows What Shoppers Want. The runways might start the trends, but Google Search shows us which styles really catch on with shoppers.

Fashion Trends 2016: Google Data Shows What Shoppers Want

To get the latest consumer insights, we looked at search patterns and geographic data driving this year's biggest fashion trends. Written by Torrence Boone Published. What Search Trends Can Teach You About Sports Fans. During the Olympic Games in Rio, Google Trends offered a glimpse into what piqued spectators' curiosity.

What Search Trends Can Teach You About Sports Fans

Use these fresh insights on sports fans to stay competitive this football season and beyond. Written by Allison Mooney Published September 2016 Topics Put Google research and insight behind your thinking. Why do people open emails? - The Signal. Darty vs Fnac : qui a la meilleure expérience d'achat mobile ? Chaque mois nous analysons sur le blog de Tapbuy les meilleures expériences d’achat mobile des plus gros sites e-commerce français.

Darty vs Fnac : qui a la meilleure expérience d'achat mobile ?

What I Learned About Writing Copy From 146,693 Emails and 50 Blog Posts. I've written a bunch of stuff since we really started cranking on marketing here at Drift earlier in the year. 146,693 emails, 50 blog posts, 9 SlideShare decks, two infographics, and two websites to be exact.

What I Learned About Writing Copy From 146,693 Emails and 50 Blog Posts

But for most of that early writing, my approach was wrong. The way I had been writing copy was completely backwards. The Mistake I Had Been Making Writing Copy Regardless of what it was, whenever it came time to write something new, my first step would usually be to head on over to Google, find the latest copywriting tip or trick, and start planning out my copy.

Evolution du e-commerce

Digitalisation des points de vente. Evolution & tendances. Objets Connectés. Growth Hacking. Campagnes. Gestion de projet. Création Site Internet. Une appli pour faire des présentations les mains libres. Si vous préparez une soutenance ou une présentation pour un important meeting, l’application Swoosh vous intéressera très certainement.

Une appli pour faire des présentations les mains libres

Un MOOC sur la création d'entreprises innovantes par l'IAE de Montpellier. Je ne sais pas si vous avez déjà eu l’occasion de suivre un cours en ligne mais je suis assez fan de ce format.

Un MOOC sur la création d'entreprises innovantes par l'IAE de Montpellier

Guillaume Devauchelle, VALEO & Rémi Bastien, RENAULT : Comment l'automobile gère le virage du numérique ? - Technos & Médias. DECIDEURS TV est une agence de communication audiovisuelle spécialisée dans la conception/réalisation d'émissions TV, de films et de vidéographies pour les entreprises.

Guillaume Devauchelle, VALEO & Rémi Bastien, RENAULT : Comment l'automobile gère le virage du numérique ? - Technos & Médias

Fondée en 2007 par Thomas Blard, journaliste financier et animateur de la chronique boursière sur LCI, DECIDEURS TV réalise notamment des émissions live hebdomadaires en partenariat avec La Tribune, MyTF1News, Le Parisien, le Journal Du Net et Challenges. - une équipe de 12 professionnels de la vidéo : journalistes, réalisateurs, cadreurs, monteurs, motion designers, graphistes - un studio tout équipé dans le deuxième arrondissement de Paris - une technologie et un portail web qui permettent de diffuser des émissions en live - un savoir-faire de diffusion de vidéos sur Internet Que proposons-nous ?

Découvrez toutes nos références ici : Nous sommes à votre disposition pour vous conseiller sur votre projet vidéo.