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Paleo/Veg Recipes

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Chayote Soup with Lemongrass and Ginger Recipe at Epicurious. Ancho Chilies Stuffed With Pecans, Sweet Potato, and Roasted Garlic. A Concoction That Just May Satisfy Your Oatmeal Cravings. Pre-Paleo, I used to start my mornings with a big bowl of oatmeal, mixed with peanut butter, cinnamon, and a sprinkling of oat bran.

A Concoction That Just May Satisfy Your Oatmeal Cravings

Looking back I realize that the full feeling I had grown accustomed to was actually bloating...yes, I was full, but mostly I was bloated and uncomfortable. But, regardless of how I felt post-breakfast, I still love that flavor combination. So, I decided to create a Paleoified version to satisfy my craving. Here's what I did: Ingredients: 1/2 Roasted Acorn Squash, pureed (also try other winter squash like Kabocha, Butternut, or Delicata) 1 T. Squish the squash, almond butter, and cinnamon in a bowl. Beet Ravioli w/Macadamia-Tarragon "Cheese" (Paleo AND Vegan) You may, or may not, know this about me, but I was a vegetarian from the age of 10 until about the age of 25 (I can't remember the exact age, but I started incorporating a little fish into my diet around this time).

Beet Ravioli w/Macadamia-Tarragon "Cheese" (Paleo AND Vegan)

I also love to cook and create beautiful food. So, when a friend of mine asked me to cater a party for her vegan, vegetarian, and pescetarian (fish-eating) friends...I was prepared. One thing that I've discovered (during a short stint with raw-eating) is that there are a lot of raw food recipes that, with a tiny bit of tweaking, are Paleo-friendly. I bought the book, Raw Food Real World by Matthew Kenney and Sarma Melngailis, and though many of the recipes are really involved I've gotten some great inspiration for Paleo-friendly recipes. This is one of them (read the recipe before you begin...raw food requires soaking): Paleo Portobello Pizzas.

Paleo Portobello Pizzas Since the beginning of my Paleo journey, I've tried a few pizza substitutes.

Paleo Portobello Pizzas

My conclusion is that you are missing two big ingredients: cheese and crust. This recipe utilizes some classic pizza flavors and still qualifies for a healthy Paleo diet. It is my favorite Paleo pizza yet. Paleo Portobello Pizzas 4 large portobello mushrooms 1 jar low-sugar marinara sauce (I get mine from Trader Joe's) 1 red bell pepper, chopped 1 can black olives 1 lb pork sausage, lean 1 package turkey pepperoni 1 red onion 1. 2. 3.


Sweet Potato Gnocchi with Gouda Cheese Sauce. This morning I was looking at my home page and I realized that there is a lot of orange sweet potato and pumpkin going on.

Sweet Potato Gnocchi with Gouda Cheese Sauce

Considering the time of year I think it is very fitting. Maybe I should go red and green when Christmas comes around? Got any green and red recipes that I can try out for Christmas? In keeping with the autumn orange theme I got the idea to try a sweet potato gnocchi covered in gouda cheese sauce. The idea was to do it in a stovetop mac and cheese kind of style. I have never made a potato gnocchi before. First and most important you need 1 pound of sweet potato. In the photos I as preparing a double recipe so that is why you see so many potatoes.