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The Child Ballads. The Child Ballads Ballads from the collection by Francis James Child as rendered by various performers The collection below is a "work in progress".

The Child Ballads

Hiker Discovers an Abandoned Town Inside Tennessee's Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Sometimes it’s easy to take for granted how much land there is in America.

Hiker Discovers an Abandoned Town Inside Tennessee's Great Smoky Mountains National Park

Sure, it’s harder and harder to find places that haven’t been explored, but it’s also become easier to forget places that we’ve already been. Kind of like the entire friggin’ town in the middle of Tennessee’s Great Smoky Mountains National Park. 21 Truths Jim And Pam Taught You About Love. Twenty Days of Harassment and Racism as an American Apparel Employee. When Your Graduate Students Have Babies.

More than two dozen doctoral students have chosen me as their dissertation adviser over the years, but only one ever interviewed me for the job.

When Your Graduate Students Have Babies

Let’s call her Diana. She and I knew each other already, of course. She had taken one of my courses and done wonderfully well. I was excited at the prospect of working with her. One moment stands out from our conversation. I saw that comment register on Diana’s face. Diana told me a few years later that my willingness to raise the question of children had helped her make up her mind.

In search of libertarians. The question of whether libertarianism is gaining public support has received increased attention, with talk of a Rand Paul run for president and a recent New York Times magazine story asking if the “Libertarian Moment” has finally arrived.

In search of libertarians

But if it has, there are still many Americans who do not have a clear sense of what “libertarian” means, and our surveys find that, on many issues, the views among people who call themselves libertarian do not differ much from those of the overall public. About one-in-ten Americans (11%) describe themselves as libertarian and know what the term means. These findings come from the Pew Research Center’s political typology and polarization survey conducted earlier this year, as well as a recent survey of a subset of those respondents via the Pew Research Center’s new American Trends Panel, conducted April 29-May 27 among 3,243 adults. Leo Tolstoy Creates a List of the 50+ Books That Influenced Him Most (1891) War and Peace, Anna Karenina, The Death of Ivan Ilyich — many of us have felt the influence, to the good or the ill of our own reading and writing, of Leo Tolstoy.

Leo Tolstoy Creates a List of the 50+ Books That Influenced Him Most (1891)

But whose influence did Leo Tolstoy feel the most? As luck would have it, we can give you chapter and verse on this, since the novelist drew up just such a list in 1891, which would have put him at age 63. A Russian publisher had asked 2,000 professors, scholars, artists, and men of letters, public figures, and other luminaries to name the books important to them, and Tolstoy responded with this list divided into five ages of man, with their actual degree of influence ("enormous," "v. great," or merely "great") noted. Four Temptations: How Internet Habits Can Cripple Book Reading. 5 Reasons Why the Church Failed Yesterday (Re: Chick-fil-A appreciation day) [Meh!]

Skip to comments. 5 Reasons Why the Church Failed Yesterday (Re: Chick-fil-A appreciation day) [Meh!]

5 Reasons Why the Church Failed Yesterday (Re: Chick-fil-A appreciation day) [Meh!] ^ | August 2, 2012 | Matthew Paul Turner Posted on Sat 04 Aug 2012 12:34:03 AM CEST by 2ndDivisionVet. Anxiety and Depression, My Strange Friends - Scott Sauls. Not long ago, I was given an opportunity to share at a ministers’ dinner about my personal experience with anxiety and depression.

Anxiety and Depression, My Strange Friends - Scott Sauls

In hopes that my experience might be an encouragement to people who visit my blog, I thought I would share a transcript of my talk here as well. I am one of those ministers who has endured a handful of seasons of anxiety and depression. Most of the time, thankfully, the affliction has been more low-grade than intense. On one occasion, though, it pretty much flattened me physically, emotionally, and even spiritually. I call this particular season my ‘living nightmare.’

Leaving the wilderness: Advice for leaders and pastors. I wrote a book a few years back called Leaving Egypt: Finding God in the Wilderness Places.

Leaving the wilderness: Advice for leaders and pastors

The Gospel Coalition - Should I Be Content with My Singleness? I am 33 and single.

The Gospel Coalition - Should I Be Content with My Singleness?

I have wanted to be married for as long as I can remember. As I’ve struggled to come to terms with the prospect of lifelong singleness, I’ve joined the chorus of others who desire marriage who ask, “If God wants me to be single, why hasn’t he taken away my desire for marriage?” Some would answer the question by saying that God allows this desire to persist because he does, in fact, want me to be married. They suggest that if I adjust my idea of the kind of man I could marry or if I date online, God will give me a husband. Living Buddha, Living Christ: Thich Nhat Hanh, Elaine Pagels, David Steindl-Rast: 9781573220187: Books.

Take college and university courses online completely free. In recent years massive open online courses (MOOCs) have become a trend in online education.

Take college and university courses online completely free

The term was coined in 2008 by David Cormier, manager of web communications and innovations at the University of Prince Edward Island. The first MOOC was created the previous year, at Utah State University. Today, there are hundreds of thousands of courses available online at no cost. Learning About Sanctification From Fyodor Dostoyevsky. Dear person going to a job you don't love tomorrow. Dear person going to a job you don’t love tomorrow, I used to hate Sunday. On the worst weeks I could feel it starting to arrive when I laid in bed on Saturday night. On the best weeks I could fight it back until the sun went down on Sunday. But as the light changed to dark and the day got late, I couldn’t lie to myself, Monday was coming. The Greatest Drama Ever Staged, by Dorothy L. Sayers.

* A Project Gutenberg Canada Ebook * This ebook is made available at no cost and with very few restrictions. These restrictions apply only if (1) you make a change in the ebook (other than alteration for different display devices), or (2) you are making commercial use of the ebook. If either of these conditions applies, please check before proceeding. Photography Kick-Start Guide: Adjusting Your Camera’s Settings for the Photo You Want. Every two weeks, we revisit some of our reader favorite posts from throughout the history of Phototuts+. This tutorial was first published in September of 2009. Cameras vary in terms of functions offered. 13 Differences Between the PCA and the PCUSA. I was recently asked to outline some of the major differences between the Presbyterian Church in the USA (PCUSA) and my own denomination the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA) and I came up with the following 13 point list:

A biblical and scientific Adam. A Boy’s Life with Unisex Scouts. How I Got Into College. 7 Things Christians Need to Remember About Politics. Political discourse is the Las Vegas of Christianity—the environment in which our sin is excused. 20 Things Every Twentysomething Should Know How to Do. Stuff Christians Like – Jon Acuff. Our Editors Select The Best Books Of 2012. June 8 - Worry Is a Sin. Seven Ways for Busy Moms to Get in the Word. Those Deleted Tweets. New Course on Calvinism from John Piper.

Fighting with God in Sanctification. Puritan writers like John Owen are well-known for teaching Christians to pursue holiness and kill sin. Letter to an Incomplete, Insecure Teenager. A few years ago a teenager in our church wrote to me for advice about life in general, and identity in particular. Andrew Fuller Defended the Biblical Gospel. Business As Ministry. An Alternative Script for Same-Sex Attraction. Desperate for Their MRS. Degrees. "Is Christianity Good for the World?" 50 things to do (other than movies) At our place, a typical night consists of eating dinner and watching a movie.

Can anyone relate? How You Know Someone Cares. “The way to avoid Jesus” by Flannery O’Connor. How I Wish the Homosexuality Debate Would Go – Trevin Wax. You Asked: Does the Father’s Wrath Upon the Son Sever the Unity of the Trinity? – The Gospel Coalition Blog. How Could God Command Genocide in the Old Testament? – Justin Taylor. Charlotte Mason Method Homeschooling. 10 Things You Didn’t Know About ‘The Lord of the Rings’ Movies. Essay on Forgiveness by C. S. Lewis. Seniors reminisce about their time at Mercer. After i was thrown. How to Speed Up, Clean Up, and Revive Your Mac. Microsoft Word - Why Work3revised1.doc - Dorothy Sayers Why Work.pdf. What to Eat When You’re Broke.

18 Reasons Why Doctors and Lawyers Homeschool Their Children — ChildrensMD. 100 Ways to Flirt With Guys. Fairystories tolkien. 243rd ACS National Meeting, San Diego, CA Abstracts2View™: 50 Life Hacks to Simplify your World.