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Three.js - JavaScript 3D library. Animation in AngularJS. Learn how to make use of the new animation hooks in AngularJS AngularJS is an outstanding, all-inclusive and extensive framework that is phenomenal for crafting together full-blown JavaScript MVC apps with small amounts of code. But how do you stick in animations into your application? You could simply use CSS transitions combined with CSS classes, but that doesn't hook into the guts of your app.

Or you could somehow tie in callbacks into your directives, but that's a maintenance nightmare and it slows down your app too much (plus it's hard to test). Up until now, it was safe to say that native animations were not present in AngularJS. Well animation is here and yearofmoo is well prepared to hook you up. This page was first published on April 4th 2013 and was last updated on May 24th 2013. * Breaking Changes :: AngularJS Version 1.1.5 is now out! This article has been updated to support the breaking changes in AngularJS version 1.1.5. Yup. Working with the AngularJS team was a blast. 45 Fresh Useful JavaScript and jQuery Techniques and Tools.

Advertisement Yes, this is another round-up of fresh and useful Javascript techniques, tools and resources. But don’t close the tab yet, as you might find this one very useful. In this selection we present calendars, forms, buttons, navigation, debugging, optimization and compatibility tables as well as handy resources and tools. We also cover various jQuery-plugins that will help you extend the functionality of your website and improve user experience with ready components or coding solutions. The last section also covers a number of useful educational resources such as a compilation of useful JavaScript coding practices, a detailed comparison of JavaScript frameworks and general JavaScript programming conventions. We are looking forward to your feedback. You may be interested in the following related posts: Calendars and Timelines jDigiClock – Digital Clock (HTC Hero inspired)4 jDigiClock is a jQuery plugin inspired from HTC Hero Clock Widget.

JavaScript Debugging and Validation Tools Poll. QuoJS - Micro JavaScript Library. Grunt: The JavaScript Task Runner. AngularJS — Superheroic JavaScript MVW Framework. Brian Ford. The AngularJS documentation is great for getting started and for looking up specific API calls. However, it doesn't really tell you how to organize and manage your app as it grows to tens or hundreds of thousands of lines of code. I've collected here some of my observations and best practices for how to manage your sprawling application.

First we'll take a look at organization, then move on to some tips on improving performance, and conclude with a brief summary on tools, servers, and build processes. While this post will focus on big apps in particular, there's a great video on YouTube from the December 2012 AngularJS meetup on best practices that's also worth checking out. Don't Write a Huge App The best advice about huge apps is not to make them. Write small, focused, modular parts, and progressively combine them into bigger things to make your app. Organization Probably the biggest question with large apps is where to put all of that code.

Directories Files Modules Dependencies Directives. AngularJS Modules for Great Justice | Coding Smackdown TV. First off I want to thank Joel Hooks of the DFW Area AngularJS Meetup Group for suggesting this topic and providing the title. “Modules provide an excellent mechanism for cleanly dividing up our code into functional areas. Angular allows us to use modules in many ways. Let’s take a look at modules and some of the approaches we can leverage to produce cleaner more manageable code.” – Joel Hooks So with that, let’s get started. AngularJS modules are the core means by how you define the components in your app. As long as I have been developing with AngularJS there has always been the great best practices debate over how to structure your application. Both have their advantages and disadvantages so let’s take a quick look at each before we get into how to implement each using AngularJS. Package by Feature Package by Feature became popular in the Java development camp a few years back.

Package-by-feature uses packages to reflect the feature set. Package by Layer Tiny Projects <! Small Projects <! AngularJS Abstractions: Organizing Modules. Now that we know a bit about how modules work at an API level, we can look at questions that will be asked more than once in the lifetime of a project, like when to create a module, how many modules to create, and how to organize source code files for a module.

One thing to recognize early on is how much flexibility is available. Although the term "module" sounds like the JavaScript module design pattern (a single function inside a single file), there is nothing about an AngularJS module that requires all the code for a module to exist in a single file, or in a single function. Your code can use multiple JavaScript modules to add features to a single AngularJS module. The code below is creating an alerter service to add to the patientApp.Services module, and could be one of many such pieces of code scattered across various files.

Given this amount of flexibility, there are no real limitations on the number of modules and files you create. Reference Material. Code Organization in Large AngularJS and JavaScript Applications — Cliff Meyers. Many developers struggle with how to organize an application's code base once it grows in size. I've seen this recently in AngularJS and JavaScript applications but historically it's been a problem across all technologies including many Java and Flex apps I've worked on in the past. The general trend is an obsession with organizing things by type.

It bears a striking resemblance to the way people organize their clothing. Let's take a look at angular-seed, the official starting point for AngularJS apps. Css/img/js/ app.jscontrollers.jsdirectives.jsfilters.jsservices.jslib/partials/ The JavaScript directory has one file for every type of object we write. This is a mess. The next logical pass at organizing JavaScript involves creating a directory for some of the archetypes and splitting objects into their own files.

Let's imagine we're building a simple e-commerce site with a login flow, product catalog and shopping cart UI's. Nice! Jason Dobry : Building large apps with AngularJS. New to AngularJS? Confused by directive mumbo-jumbo? Giddy over Angular's magic and your new productivity? Jaded by gotchas you didn't see coming? Enjoying the zen of Angular? Check out my presentation on building large apps with AngularJS Whatever your experience with Angular and whatever size of project you're working on, there will come a day when you encounter Angular in the wild being used on a large project.

If you have needed to: Organize your filesName your filesLazy-load your codeSerialize application state to the URLDerive application state from the URLManage a Model layerDo smart cachingWork with a RESTful interface (for real)Use a 3rd-party lib with Angular Then you've already met the beast. Angular is not the framework to end all frameworks, however, never before have I derived so much pleasure from web development. My first few weeks with AngularJS I was like a kid on Christmas morning, unwrapping presents as fast as I could and running around showing everybody.

$scope. $scope. Index of /1.2.9/ AngularJS ngAnimate: Tutorial - How to make Animations with AngularJS. Jehu/ng-mobile. Home | Breeze.js. Cookies vs Tokens. Getting auth right with Angular.JS. Introduction There are basically two different ways of implementing server side authentication for apps with a frontend and an API: The most adopted one, is Cookie-Based Authentication (you can find an example here) that uses server side cookies to authenticate the user on every request.A newer approach, Token-Based Authentication, relies on a signed token that is sent to the server on each request.

Token based vs. Cookie based The following diagram explains how both of these methods work. What are the benefits of using a token-based approach? Cross-domain / CORS: cookies + CORS don't play well across different domains. What's JSON Web Token? Asuming you have a node.js app, below you can find the components of this architecture. Server Side Let's start by installing express-jwt and jsonwebtoken: $ npm install express-jwt jsonwebtoken Configure the express middleware to protect every call to /api.

The angular app will perform a POST through AJAX with the user's credentials: Angular Side What's next? Closure Tools. What is the Closure Compiler? The Closure Compiler is a tool for making JavaScript download and run faster. Instead of compiling from a source language to machine code, it compiles from JavaScript to better JavaScript. It parses your JavaScript, analyzes it, removes dead code and rewrites and minimizes what's left. It also checks syntax, variable references, and types, and warns about common JavaScript pitfalls. How can I use the Closure Compiler? You can use the Closure Compiler as: An open source Java application that you can run from the command line.

To get started with the compiler, see "How do I start" below. What are the benefits of using Closure Compiler? Efficiency. Underscore.js. Yeoman - Modern workflows for modern webapps. EaselJS | A Javascript library that makes working with the HTML5 Canvas element easy.

Recent Updates Follow @CreateJS November 2014 Updates in preparation for next release (coming soon).New class model, with big performance increases October 2014 Lots of bug fixes and pull requests.New 'Extras' folder in GitHub with useful tools and classes July 2014 Major overhaul of Graphics to include a useful command pattern, and a big performance increase.Added / unstore() The Story Why we built EaselJS About EaselJS EaselJS provides straight forward solutions for working with rich graphics and interactivity with HTML5 Canvas.

Featured Projects Community Show & Tell. Ion Drift A port of the Flash game Ion Drift, b10b was able to build a CreateJS version in less than a day that hit target framerates on even the lowest devices, and outperformed ports to other libraries. By b10b b10b.