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Math teacher resources

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Scrawlar - Share Drawings and Documents Without Using Email. 2011_CCSS_Alignments_Handout. MMI Educational Consultancy: Support Materials. Digitizing Math Metacognition | MHExchange Webinar Series. Calculation Nation® - Challenge others. Challenge yourself.® Math in the Classroom. Authentic Inquiry Maths: What Is My Area? Wait - before you say anything - I know your body is 3-dimensional and area is a measurement of two dimensions - so I probably should say, "What is the area of my silhouette? "So... What is the area of my silhouette? In the past week we have measured height and width, talked about Vitruvian Man, combined our heights, compared them with other classes. Time to have a look at comparing areas. My chief interest here is to look at how the kids are going to approach this question. Look what they did!

First job was to draw an outline of the body. "It's never going to be accurate! " Once the outline was done, most of the kids got busy covering their shape with 100 squares, though not all of them recognised that they had 100 squares in them or that they were equal to 100 square cms. We had a good discussion at the end about accuracy (again) and about those missing gaps - would that make your "estimate" under or over the actual area? This one was interesting. So how big is a body? Math Teacher Resources.