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Django Girls - start your journey with programming. 25 great free UX tools. There might be no such thing as a free lunch but thanks to the wonders of Open Source software, freeware and trial software there most certainly is such a thing as free software. In this article I list 25 great free UX tools, including tools to help with prototyping, annotating, screen grabbing, site mapping, usability testing, accessibility and analytics. Prototyping tools Pencil Pencil is a nice little Open Source tool for creating prototypes, UI mockups, and UX diagrams, such as user journeys. It comes with a good set of built-in widgets covering web, windows and sketchy UI components and allows pages to be exported as HTML, a PDF, an Open Office doc, a Word Doc or an image. Pencil – A free prototyping and diagramming tool LucidChart LucidChart is an online tool for creating diagrams, UI mockups and prototypes. LucidChart – A prototyping and diagramming tool with a free trial version Balsamiq Balsamiq – A prototyping tool with a free trial version Annotation tools Diigo.

A Toolkit That Turns Your Sketches Into Functional Apps. Don't Just Wireframe - Tell The Design Story. UXPin: UX Design & Wireframing Tools As Beautiful As Your Work. Things Nobody Has Ever Said About Your Website. Wirify – The web as wireframes. UX Statistic. The Basics of Great UX. To the benefit of software and applications everywhere, UX has become an increasingly important step in the Software Development lifecycle. Even though UX is a slightly surreptitious layer of design, it's no less important. It, by the nature of its name, defines the experience of the users. That experience determines whether or not they want to come back for more, or run screaming in the other direction.

UX is something anyone can do. The problem is not everyone can do it well. I can undertake the visual design for a website, but I guarantee you that it will look dreadful and unprofessional. If you learn nothing else about UX I ask you to remember these two things. Know thy user.You are not the user (in most cases). If you don't know your user base, their habits and tendencies, and why they do or do not perform certain actions, then you can't be expected to design a good experience for them. Let's look at all the possible steps a UXer might take in defining the UX of a product. Sketch. Aure Gimón. Events & Competitions. The Information Architecture Institute.

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