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Penpals. To travel is my passion, therefore, I am calling my chariot to see what's behind those mountains and hills. Flong d'Chariot - Cebu, Sykes, ME in Applied Linguistics. It's not, technically, ABOUT ME, but I feel it describes me as a frustrated blogger, FOR REAL.

Flong d'Chariot - Cebu, Sykes, ME in Applied Linguistics

My posts on the "The Quirky Flong d'Chariot" page are part of my existence, and I don't force people to appreciate my pieces yet I let them criticize or perhaps appreciate it. I dare to dream. I perceived myself as ...naive wanderer. Recently, I just found that traveling is my newest passion. ...the not-your-type instructor. ...the voyeur. ...a movie buff. Blogger Dashboard. Takeout. Flong d'Chariot. One account.

Flong d'Chariot

All of Google. Sign in to continue to Picasa Web Albums Find my account Forgot password? Sign in with a different account Create account One Google Account for everything Google. Send Free SMS Worldwide. Google URL Shortener. Posted by Michael Hermanto, Software Engineer, Firebase We launched the Google URL Shortener back in 2009 as a way to help people more easily share links and measure traffic online.

Google URL Shortener

Since then, many popular URL shortening services have emerged and the ways people find content on the Internet have also changed dramatically, from primarily desktop webpages to apps, mobile devices, home assistants, and more. To refocus our efforts, we're turning down support for over the coming weeks and replacing it with Firebase Dynamic Links (FDL). FDLs are smart URLs that allow you to send existing and potential users to any location within an iOS, Android or web app.

We're excited to grow and improve the product going forward. For consumers Starting April 13, 2018, anonymous users and users who have never created short links before today will not be able to create new short links via the console. After March 30, 2019, all links will continue to redirect to the intended destination. My Drive. How to Unfollow a Blog. Unfollow?

How to Unfollow a Blog

That sounds so cruel! Why would you want to unfollow another blogger? There are many reasons: The blogger unfollowed you. Maybe they lost interest or they were just phishing for followers. The blogger never returned your follow or comments on his or her blog. However, if you originally followed through Google Friends Connect, unsubscribing in Google Reader won’t hack it. On the main dashboard of your blog, look to the far right and you will see this: Click on the little symbol, and it will bring up a list of the blogs you follow.

The other option is to unfollow at the source. If you know you’re already following, hit the button to join - you will be prompted to sign in: (And if you asks you if you want to Join this site, run away - you're really not following that blog through GFC!) After that, the GFC widget looks like this: Click on Options and then Site settings: Another box will pop up - click on Stop following this site on the far right: Send Free SMS Worldwide. To-Do List. (6) Home. Hallway. Home. (6) Home. Flongthechariot's Public Profile on Pinterest / Home. 200 unread - In the end it is okay, but if its not okay then it is not yet the end.... - Hizuka Shizuko [The Chariot] on Plurk. Tumblr.

Twitter / Home. Flong d'Chariot. Inbox. Social Entertainment. Flong The Chariot - - Living the Game. Home. Blogger Dashboard.