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Pagan Living. To truly walk a Pagan path, many people believe that their spirituality should be part of their daily life, and not just something the observe once or twice a month. Here's where we'll talk about contemporary issues of interest to Pagans, family and relationships, and how to live a magical life every day. Photo Galleries We've got a number of photo galleries here on Pagan/Wiccan!

From the popular Pagan Tattoo Gallery to altar photos, magical tools and symbols, and more! Be sure to check out our photo galleries, and maybe even share an image of your own! Meeting Other Pagans At some point, you may decide you'd like to meet some other Pagans or Wiccans. Living A Magical Life Wondering how to live a magical life on a daily basis? Family & Relationships Just like people of other religions, Pagans and Wiccans have spouses, children, and families.

Pagan Parenting Info for Teens Teens have a very specific set of needs when it comes to Pagan faiths. Contemporary Issues of Interest Crafts for the Craft. Spiritual Awakening. I'm always concerned about how little attention the body receives on the spiritual path. So many spiritual traditions get lost in more esoteric rituals that the body can become an afterthought. In some traditions, it's some kind of evil thing to be transcended or abused.

I think that's ridiculous. Our body is as much a part of our spiritual path as anything. So don't go beating yourself up, and also, don't get lost in pleasures of the world. Eating to Live and Living to Eat For these suggested posts, I'm focusing on food. Blog #1: Healing Bad Eating Patterns and Habits Part of what I like about this post is the comment about admitting that you don't know why you eat what you eat. Blog #2: 6 Tips to Healing Bad Eating Habits I like this blog because the tips are so down-to-earth. Blog #3: Awakening to Your Food: Enlightening Your Diet I like the re-emphasis of choice in this blog post. Tao Te Ching. Prayer - Faiths & Prayer. Reasoned spirituality a logical exploration of life. The Pluralism Project at Harvard University. Welcome to Audio Dharma.

Cultivating Seva: Selfless Service as Devotion ::