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The Learning Mag. iAnnotate PDF. Share Book Recommendations With Your Friends, Join Book Clubs, Answer Trivia. Readmill. Web. OpenStax College. Open educational resources. UNESCO believes that universal access to high quality education is key to the building of peace, sustainable social and economic development, and intercultural dialogue.

Open educational resources

Open Educational Resources (OER) provide a strategic opportunity to improve the quality of education as well as facilitate policy dialogue, knowledge sharing and capacity building. Open Educational Resources are teaching, learning or research materials that are in the public domain or released with an intellectual property license that allows for free use, adaptation, and distribution. In 2001, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), in an unprecedented move, announced the release of nearly all its courses on the internet for free access. As the number of institutions offering free or open courseware increased, UNESCO organized the 1st Global OER Forum in 2002 where the term Open Educational Resources (OER) was adopted. Textbooks of the future: Will you be buying a product ... or a service? The World Bank is currently working with a few countries that are planning for the procurement of lots of digital learning materials.

Textbooks of the future: Will you be buying a product ... or a service?

In some cases, these are billed as 'e-textbooks', replacing in part existing paper-based materials; in other cases, these are meant to complement existing curricular materials. In pretty much all cases, this is happening as a result of past, on-going or upcoming large scale procurements of lots of ICT equipment. Once you have your schools connected and lots of devices (PCs, laptops, tablets) in the hands of teachers and students, it can be rather useful to have educational content that runs on whatever gadgets you have introduced into to help aid and support teaching and learning. In this regard, we have been pleased to note fewer countries pursuing one of the prominent worst practices in ICT use in education that we identified a few years ago: "Think about educational content only after you have rolled out your hardware. " Increasingly, it is 'free'. eBook Creation - List. How to Create Your Own Textbook — With or Without Apple.

By Dolores Gende Apple’s iBooks2 and authoring app has created big waves in education circles.

How to Create Your Own Textbook — With or Without Apple

But smart educators don’t necessarily need Apple’s slick devices and software to create their own books. How educators think of content curation in the classroom is enough to change their reliance on print textbooks. As the open education movement continues to grow and become an even more rich trove of resources, teachers can use the content to make their own interactive textbooks. It might seem daunting, but the availability of quality materials online and the power of tapping into personal learning networks should make it easier. Here’s how to create a digital textbook and strategies for involving the students in its development in three steps. 1. Teachers can work with colleagues within their subject area departments and beyond the walls of the classroom to aggregate resources through social bookmarking. 2. One of the most user-friendly tools to post resources for your course is LiveBinders.

AcademicPub - Custom Course Materials. Organize your resources in an online binder - LiveBinders. SY808's LiveBinders Shelf. Author of binders: SY808 Email this Shelf Post to Twitter or Facebook Embed this Shelf To email this shelf, click in the box below which will select the shelf url for copy and paste: Share this Shelf Embed a Public Shelf on Your Website: 3 x 3 binders on the shelf: 1 x 3 binders on the shelf, perfect for a blog sidebar: Embed your shelf with a list view of your binders: Note: This does not work for hosted Wordpress sites.

SY808's LiveBinders Shelf