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Python面试题集合. 分享一套 python 试题 - 赖勇浩的编程私伙局. Python Module of the Week. Overview — NetworkX 1.7 documentation.


TestingToolsTaxonomy. Join the Testing In Python (TIP) mailing list for Python testing tools discussions!


This wiki page is originated from PyCheeseCake and it was originally created by Grig Gheorghiu Unit Testing Tools The following tools are not currently being developed or maintained as far as we can see. They are here for completeness, with last activity date and an indication of what documentation there is. Scrubber — Scrubber v1.4.3 documentation. Scrubber is a white-listing HTML sanitizer.

Scrubber — Scrubber v1.4.3 documentation

It uses BeautifulSoup to parse an HTML document and removes any tags and attributes that are not specifically allowed. Some other features of scrubber include: normalizing of tags ( <b> to <strong> , etc..) cleaning up markup to make it more consistent between browsers optional autolinking urls optional rel="nofollow" for anchor tags optional removal of comments Installation. Gensim: Topic modelling for humans.

Python Web Development