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Goodtextures's deviantART gallery. WORKED MARBLE TILES SEAMLESS. METAL ROOFING - SEAMLESS. CONCRETE - STUCCOS #8 SEAMLESS. Wood 1. Scanned with 720 DPI and black/white reference, no further adjustments have been done. The names are partially translated, for example color types, but the rest is basically german wood naming. All images where scanned from real wood plates! License Free Wood Textures von Jan Weigand steht unter einer Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported Lizenz.Beruht auf einem Inhalt unterÜber diese Lizenz hinausgehende Erlaubnisse können Sie unter erhalten.

If you intend to resell these textures you need a permission from me! Here is a image made with two textures. If you have any questions, if you made a nice image, or made a usefull bumpmap, contact me. Marble Beige Tile Sketchup Textures | Sketchuptut | unofficial resource site for Google Sketchup.