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Utah State OpenCourseWare. CcLearn. Pedagogle - a file resource sharing site | So about 2 weeks ago, just before a break from school, I gave a presentation titled Using of Open Source Software in Education which is a topic that discussed quite a bit, but not often at my school.

During the presentation I made the observation that if education were more like Open Source, we would solve a lot of problems involving resources that teachers have. In the context I was discussing during the lesson, I viewed a resource as a lesson plan, a worksheet, a test, an image, an audio clip to share with students, etc... The problems teachers face with resources is that they: 1. Have trouble organizing their resources and therefore finding resources they want to use again. 2.

Now that many teachers are creating their digitally, they need better tools for keeping track of their resources. A number of sites have sprung up over the last couple of years to try and handle this problem, but very few of them make it both easy to upload content and find content.