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As 19 cidades mais encantadoras para você conhecer antes de morrer - Tendencee. Algumas das cidades que parecem existir somente nos seus sonhos estão escondidas ao redor do mundo. Elas são cidades cheias de charme, quase perfeitas demais para serem reais. No entanto, estas cidades dos sonhos existem. Aqui estão 19 cidades que são tão bonitas que você dificilmente vai acreditar que elas não são sets de filmagem.

Duas delas já foram protagonistas de posts anteriores aqui no Tendencee: Burano, a pequenina ilha italiana para você levantar sua alma Esta não é uma vila qualquer, é simplesmente a vila mais bela de toda Inglaterra A partir de agora, prepare-se para aumentar a sua lista de lugares para conhecer antes de morrer! 1) Burano, Itália Foto: Quora Foto: William Carr 2) Oia Village, Santorini, Grécia Foto: paulshark no iStock Foto: Freeartist no iStock 3) Colmar, França Foto: StevanZZ no iStock Foto: irisphoto2 no iStock Foto: Razvan no iStock 4) Tasiilaq, Groenlândia Foto: antoniobovinophotography no Flickr Foto: jackwolfskin no Flickr Foto: banyanman no Flickr 7) Juzcar, Espanha.

27 Surreal Places To Visit Before You Die. 48 epic dream hotels to visit before you die. A GOOD HOTEL CAN MAKE or break a trip. The worst hotel in the best place is still going to make retiring after a long day an unfortunate experience. The best hotel in the worst place, on the other hand, can be something of an oasis. Take the best hotels and put them in the best places, and you’ve got a private slice of the vacation you’ve always dreamed of.

Here are 48 absolutely epic dream hotels. 1. Possibly the singular spot for your perfect Caribbean excursion, the Ladera Resort represents the intersection between design, luxury, and the ideal location. 2. Ever wanted to be able to go down the stairs of your resort room, hoist the blinds, and be stared down by schools of fish? Photographer: Jesper Anhede 3. More of an inn and restaurant than a luxury resort, this getaway built right into an Ebenalp cliff is the best spot to take a breather on your trek up the northern Alps. 4. These images are not photoshopped. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 15 Most Magical Places in the World. Want to share the magic? Tweet or Stumble this article! Wizards, sorcerers, hobbits and goblins. This maybe the stuff of fairy-tales but you can bring magic to life! Visit these breath-taking magical destinations and live out your own travel legend!

Travel and make-believe certainly go hand in hand. Whether it’s royal palaces, enchanted forests or magical lagoons, traveling the world can bring your favorite fairy-tales to life! So grab your wand, mount your white horse and take a virtual journey through the 15 most magical places in the world! 1. Pear Biter 2. Fugue 3. Pasotraspaso 4. Magical-World 5. Panoramas 6.

Nutbird 7. Robwest jmhullot 9. Net_efekt 10. RebelXTious 11. Tambako the Jaguar 12. Macieklew 13. Germanium 14. Jurvetson 15. Magical-World Been to any of these places? Post up your comments! Liked this post? Don’t miss out on more magical places, sign up for free article updates below… *(I’d be the Snow Queen!) This World Rocks 27 Amazing Travel Photos That Will Infect You With The Travel Bug | This World Rocks. I’m a travel photo junkie. I can spend hours browsing photography sites and social media sites looking for the travel photo that will inspire me next. Below are 27 of my favorite travel photos from the last 4-5 years. Each photographer is linked if you want to learn more about them. If you are new to this blog, you can learn about us and this website here. Enjoy the pictures! Follow our blog on Facebook by liking us: 1. Photographer: Guy Nesher | Buy prints here 2. Photographer: Luke Duggleby 3. Photographer: Luiz Pires 4. Photographer: Alexis Birkill | Buy prints here 5.

Photographer: Yuri Ovchinnikov 6. Photographer: Lisa Shires 7. Photographer: Vadim Makhorov 8. Photographer: Vadim Makhorov Also, feel free to check out my recent how-to guide on making money while traveling: →How To Make Money While Traveling the World 9. Photographer: Thomas Trommer 10. Photographer: Juan Pablo deMiguel | Buy prints here 11. Photographer: Oscar Ruiz 12. Photographer: Alan Condra 13. 14. 15.

Photographer: A. 16. 12 Beautiful World Heritage Sites | Nature Photos | Travelycia.