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DIY Woodgrain Rug. Hi y'all. i am super excited to share this fun little project with you. it's a do-it-yourself faux bois rug. i purchased all the supplies for this project for under $10 (YAY!) And it took me about 2 hours to complete. this is one of those ideas that was sitting in my journal for WELL over a year, glad to finally make it happen! What you'll need: a tan rug (any plain & simple rug is cool. i purchased mine for $5 at Target.), 3 pieces of poster board, brown spray paint, a warm (& not too windy) afternoon. step 1: draw a woodgrain pattern on one piece of poster board (although, if i were doing this over i would use contact paper instead of poster board for better adhesion!). Drawing a woodgrain pattern is surprisingly easy, the trick is the include lots of 'knots' in your wood so that it doesn't look like zebra stripes. next up, spray painting. take your time and get a nice even coat all over the rug. examine it closely and make sure you don't have spots before you pull your mask up.

Guest DIY: Katie from Skunkboy Creatures. Hello friends! It's Katie from Skunkboy Creatures. The DIY I have to share today is a pretty collar in honor of the blog party! You can wear it over t-shirts, sweaters or anything you like! My inspiration for this project was this pretty owl. Supplies needed: pretty fabric, measuring tape, scissors, sewing machine or patient hands, needle and thread, pretty trim, button, and iron 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Loves*Katie. Tricks + Treats: Little Birdie Plush by Viviana Agostinho. Hi there! It's Viviana! Elsie asked me to share a cute plush DIY today for Tricks + Treats and I made this little bird just for you.

Enjoy! A little birdie told me... Wanna know what this birdie is telling? The numbers in each birdie part correspond to the amount of pieces you will have to cut. To make your birdie you will need: - Felt and fabric of your choosing- 2 medium size buttons in any color- 2 small beads or buttons in black- Felt scraps in black and red- A handful of fiberfill- Thread, needles, pins... Place each part of the pattern on the wrong side of your fabric and felt and cut all the parts you will need. You will begin creating your birdie's front section.

Sew front and back sections (wrong face up!) Fill body with fiberfill. Yay! Thanks so much, Viviana. Tricks + Treats: Autumn Fabric Wreath by Elise Blaha. Hi hi! My name is Elise and I am excited to share with you a simple DIY wreath that you can make with scraps of fabric, ribbon and a wire hanger. Carefully unfold the wire hanger and twist it into a circle shape. It doesn't have to be perfect, you won't see the wire once we are done. Begin tying scraps of fabric to the wire with a simple knot. (Scraps of about 7 inches will be best). Continue tying scraps varying the color and type of material. Once you have completely wrapped the wire, add a ribbon around the main frame and tie with a bow. It's ready to hang on your wall for the rest of the season! Thanks, Elsie, for having me! Song Lyric Wall Art / D.I.Y. Project. A couple weeks ago, I found a paint-by-number at an unbeatable price.

I can't pass these things up even though I already owned this particular design. I thought that I could maybe use it to make a fun D.I.Y., but my new rule is that all thrifts that I purchase with the intent of restyling need to get done right away. I have way too many half finished projects in my life. With that little bit of motivation I came up with a fun D.I.Y. to display some of my favorite song lyrcis in our newlywed home. Enjoy.... Here's how I did it... I displayed our piece in our bedroom, on Jeremy's side of the bed. A couple weeks ago, I found a paint-by-number at an unbeatable price. Make Your Own Flower Vase D.I.Y. Another reason to bring flowers home from the market! This DIY mixes hard and soft elements to create an interesting modern vase. Bring home your favorite blooms and display a grouping of similar vases at your next get together.

You'll Need: A few round, glass jars in varying sizes and widths, a sheet of metal screen as shown above (found at most hardware stores), wire cutters, yarn, scissors, gloves. Note: Wear gloves to keep your hands safe while working with sheet metal. Measure the height of each glass and add about 1". Once your metal screen is cut, wrap it around your jar to be sure it's the right size. Choose yarn (or twine) in your favorite color and start at the bottom of the overlap and tie a knot. Make three or five for the biggest impact. Ditch the flowers and add tea lights to create interesting votives as the nights grow longer. Fall Leaves Garland D.I.Y. A few years ago I made a cute little leaf garland at the start of September.

Now, it's a mini tradition and I always enjoy making something cute and decorative to ring in the new season every year. Would you like to make one too? I thought you might! Here's how I did it...1. Cut leaves... as many as you like! Here's the original garland I made back in 2008. Here's our cute little garland decorating our register at Red Velvet. Autumn Wreath / D.I.Y. Project. Autumn is here!

I found a vintage hat the other day made of velvet and knew I wanted to recreate it into a wreath in these warm fall colors. It's simple but rich and creates a nice touch to our entry way. Step One: Gather Supplies. You'll need a half wreath form, 1/2 yard of fabric to wrap around your wreath form, velvet in three different colors (1/4 yard each), 1.5 yards of 2" wide satin ribbon in a coordinating color to use on your wreath, 1 yard of wide satin ribbon for hanging your wreath. Embroidery needle and coordinating embroidery thread. Step Two: Cut your 1/2 yard of fabric into long strips to wrap around your wreath form.

Step Three: Cut your velvet yardage into four lengths of 4.5" x 22". Step Four: Fold your strip in half lengthwise and then open it so that it lies as it does above. Step Five: Place your first four colors so that they are arranged as above. Step Six: Add in each additional layer so that the points fan out slightly and the ends are all tucked in. Tree Stump Coaster D.I.Y. This next super cute D.I.Y. was Kinsey's idea! We stitched them up together on a sunny afternoon. If you choose to hand stitch each coaster takes about an hour. Machine stitching would be much quicker, and both versions are cute-as-can-be! Here's how we made this woodsy coaster set... 1. This project is a little time consuming, but also incredibly relaxing to create! Check out our b-e-a-utiful mess in my living room making D.I.Y. projects together! Make a festive wreath from vintage ties! Recently, Rachel made this wreath and many of you commented that it looked like it was made with ties.

Well, that gave us a brilliant idea and we had to try it out! Here's our first 'reader inspired' D.I.Y.! Thank you for the lovely idea... Here's how we made this wreath with vintage ties from the 1970s! I chose these ties because Jeremy will only wear ties from the 50s and 60s that are skinny. These larger 1970s ties come in such pretty patterns, so this is a fun option for a new way to enjoy them! 1-2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Have fun making your very own wreath with vintage ties. Make Your Own Canvas Portrait!