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A Dress A Day. Papier-mache easter eggs. For Easter I made papier-mache polka dotted eggs. I created them using small water balloons and tissue paper then I filled them with candy and toys and sealed them shut. The egg can hold a surprising amount of candy and the tissue paper seems delicate making for a delightfully heavy and yet fragile object, much like real egg. Also like a real egg you have to break the shell to get at what’s inside. I like things you have to destroy to open. You’ll need: water balloons (they make the egg-iest shape)white tissue paper (one sheet will make about three eggs)colorful tissue paper (one sheet will make many eggs, so you don’t need much)a 3/4 inch hole puncha paint brush you don’t care much aboutliquid laundry starcha sturdy shot glass to hold your egg while you’re working with ita way to hang the balloons to dryenough time to let these dry overnight, and a few hours to let them dry after filling and sealing them (you’ve been warned) Note: I tried a few variations on the starch.

Why the loop? DIY Braided Hex Nut Bracelet. We’re nuts for nuts. Is there a more versatile and inexpensive DIY component than a hex nut from the hardware store? You can imagine our excitement when we first discovered Philip Crangi’s Giles & Brother Hex Collection. Honestly, nuts braided into jewelry is WTF genius! With a few items that we always seem to have lying around, we tackled the technique and made our own spine-like braided hex nut wrap bracelet. You’ll need:3 strands of cotton butcher’s twine cut into one yard pieces18 small brass hex nutsa bit of dexterity! Gather the 3 strands of twine and tie a knot at the top, leaving about 2 inches of slack. Keep your thumb at the base of the braid, holding the nut in its place. Repeat the steps, by threading the rest of the nuts to the outer pieces of twine before they are crossed over.

The bracelet should wrap around your wrist at least two or three times. Good luck!! (top image from here, rest of images by Honestly…WTF) DIY Hex Bolt Bracelet | contagious.inspiration. Image from Here Giles & Brother Hex Collection Got sent this link awhile back and knew i just had to make it straight away. turned out Great! Now to pay it forward its your turn to have a try.!! Click the link >>> Honestly…WTF image by Honestly…WTF Like this: Like Loading... Oh Happy Day! Homemade & Happy | Creativity, Simple Living & Other Good Things.


Sewing. Quilling. Scription. Today is a proud release of my Chronodex scheduler with GTD to-do list function! I had about 10 minutes of quiet time in the morning but then crazy whatsapp messages came in with lots of unfinished tasks, which reminded me of the importance of sitting down undisturbed to plan a good day. It was first developed in November 2013 for my personal use and I've been filling it up with tasks in many of the busier days. I've modified it into a 3rd version and now ready to share with you busy bees.

I usually use my Traveler's Notebook with two refills: A dated Chronodex Weekly Planner and a blank notebook for tasks, notes, drawings etc. There is not enough time for me to explain in details how to use it here, perhaps I can cover it later. The 2nd fold is the major GTD "Next Action" tab, where you want to lay your tasks in priority and kill them one by one. If you print it double sided, you can save a lot of papers because one paper can be used for 2 days.