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Buenos Aires

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Dialogos :: Semiología de la arquitectura porteña. Una lectura semiológica de los edificios de la Ciudad, a partir de lo que dice la “gramática” del diseño sobre la historia y el ambiente político y social de cada época. De la aldea colonial a la metrópolis oligárquica y la arquitectura del peronismo. Materialidad y simbolismo del art-nouveau y el art-déco en las calles porteñas y el mito de la “París sudamericana”. El diálogo transcurre a pie por las calles de Buenos Aires en varios encuentros. Porque al arquitecto Eduardo Masllorens le gusta señalar con el dedo aquello de lo que habla.

Es erudito y tiene una memoria prodigiosa, pero su rasgo singular es la sistematización de sus conocimientos de historia con los estilos arquitectónicos a través de la semiología. –No sé si la arquitectura es un arte, un lenguaje, una ciencia o las tres cosas, pero sus diseños están asociados con ideas y son el reflejo de épocas y circunstancias. –¿Qué queda de lo colonial auténtico? –Del núcleo central, apenas el Cabildo, que fue reconstruido en 1940.


Fundacion Pro Vivienda Social. Business | The slum solution to housing crisis. BBC correspondents from around the world are taking the pulse of the world economy. This week they are focusing on the state of the property market. Without space to accommodate new housing in their intricate corridors and dirt roads, the shanty towns of Buenos Aires have grown upwards. Where a shack of bricks and corrugated iron once stood, within weeks an equally precarious structure appears - but this time over two levels.

The transformation of the landscape in the slums is reflected in government statistics. The population in the so-called "emergency villages" of the Argentine capital has grown by 25% in the last two years, now housing some 200,000 people. That is equivalent to almost 7% of the inhabitants of the city, or the arrival of 11 families per day to the 14 slums and at least 40 settlements within Buenos Aires's perimeter. Home ownership Along with his wife and three children, he ended his pilgrimage for home ownership here. No space "We built little by little. 'Urbanisation'

A tiny step closer to an enforceable right to housing. With Uruguay ratifying the Optional Protocol of the International Covenant of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR), the residents of ten countries will soon have a right to adequate housing somewhat enforceable under international law. Last week we moved a tiny step closer to an enforceable right to housing, though we've still got a mile to go. In the eloquent prose of the United Nations, the step we took was this: "After crossing the required threshold of state ratifications on Tuesday, the Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights will enter into force on 5 May.

" UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay tried to explain what this means: "the Protocol will provide an important platform to expose abuses linked to poverty, discrimination and neglect, which up until now victims have had to endure without any possible recourse at the international level. Allow me to explain a bit further. But how many can do so? Relocation policies do not excuse forced evictions, still a denial of human rights. Forced evictions are usually illegal under international law, yet they are increasingly routine for many governments, assisted by international institutions.

Rather than helping governments justify evictions by tinkering with relocation policies, institutions need to steer governments towards true 'voluntarism'. Development projects need to 'sell' themselves to the poor, not convince them to 'move out of the way', and any project that can't is probably doomed to failure already. Recent research on the eviction of slum residents confirm that governments are abusing forced eviction policies throughout much of the world, despite assurances made in international treaties. Yet many governments are engaged in forced evictions as a matter of routine, not simply in 'exceptional circumstances', and, I would suggest, are encouraged to do so by international institutions. But this is far from practical.

Institutions must focus on the 'pull' factors that attract residents to new locations. Bangalore Informal: alternatives for housing design, planning and implementation? James Whitcomb Riley underlines the planning failures that led to the breakdown of the slum redevelopment program in Bangalore, and highlights a model of housing redevelopment based on self-management and design by slum residents. Bangalore, India's fifth largest urban agglomeration, is an economic powerhouse in IT, telecommunications, biotechnology, garments and heavy manufacturing, as well as a major destination for foreign direct investment. As high-end real estate development has exploded, the costs of acquiring land have skyrocketed, making it nearly impossible for the poor to formally access housing, proliferating informal settlements.

In the face of rapid urbanisation, the national government initiated the Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission (JNNURM) to finance massive urban infrastructure development. In the city proper, an estimated 2.2 million people inhabit more than 600 informal settlements, yet occupy only five percent of the entire urban area. Planning poverty. Mapping the urban poor: 12 reasons why you should conduct enumerations of your settlements. Community-led mapping and enumerations are powerful tools to return power and democracy into the hands of the urban poor. Marcus Tudehope sets out twelve reasons why you and the communities you work within should embark upon an enumeration of your own. Enumeration: to be counted; it is the fundamental basis of inclusion in the city. To exclude a community from census and mapping activities is to effectively render it invisible to urban decision-making processes. But as the world urbanises, an ever-increasing proportion of humanity is coming to reside in urban poor settlements, outside the scope of most traditional methods of enumeration such as government censuses which underpin land management and urban planning.

In settings where the capacity or will to include the urban poor in official mapping and enumeration activities is lacking, participatory, community-led processes frequently come to occupy the void. Accurate data can make urban poor settlements visible to local authorities. Cultura Colectiva - Medio de difusión cultural y plataforma de apoyo al talento artístico emergente. Agenda de salidas VUENOSAIREZ, recitales, fiestas, cine, teatro, arte.. | Versión Móvil. RollingStone Argentina  Los Inrockuptibles | Revista de Música, Arte y Sociedad. Soy Rock. ARQ - Arquitectura Clarín. Ministerio de Trabajo, Empleo y Seguridad Social. Oficinas de empleo municipal - Red de Servicios de Empleo Las personas que buscan trabajo o cambiar por uno mejor pueden acercarse a las Oficinas de Empleo Municipales, que gratuitamente brindan información y orientación para el empleo y la capacitación.

En dichas dependencias se contactan con los empleadores que solicitan personal y encuentran información y acceso a los programas sociales del Estado. Las oficinas dependen del municipio, pero el Ministerio promueve su creación, da apoyo técnico y normaliza (unifica) los estándares, el funcionamiento, la imagen, las bases de datos y los demás elementos. Cada oficina es una parte de la red y juntas forman un sistema que relaciona distintas regiones. [»] Sepa a cuál oficina dirigirse.

Información de la red y listado Definir el perfil laboral para orientar la búsqueda Definir el “perfil laboral” es útil para orientar la búsqueda de trabajo. Currículum y carta de presentación [+] Más información Consejos para la entrevista de trabajo. Bourse d'Emploi | Chambre de Commerce et d'Industrie Française à l'Etranger. Bourse d'Emploi Franco Colombienne La CFCCI a formée une alliance avec le Club Concorde et l’ASALF afin de créer la Bourse d’Emploi Colombo Française, qui réunit plus de 5000 francophones en Colombie, afin de faciliter le rapprochement des personnes en relation avec la culture française et les entreprises ayants des liens commerciaux avec la France.

Pour les entreprises Si vous êtes une entreprise membre et souhaitez nous communiquer une offre d’emploi, nous vous prierons de bien vouloir remplir, gratuitement, le formulaire d'offre d'emploi et l’envoyer à : bolsadeempleo(at) Si votre entreprise n’est pas affiliée, nous vous prions de bien vouloir remplir le le formulaire d'offre d'emploi et de nous l’envoyer avec la copie de la consignation au nom de la Chambre Franco Colombienne de Commerce et d'Industrie d’une valeur de $90 000 pesos colombiens (Bancolombia, cuenta de ahorros : 20535725286).

Télecharger le FORMULAIRE D'OFFRE D'EMPLOI Pour les demandeurs d'emploi. Club Concorde - Offres d'Emploi. D´Emploi Le Club Concorde reçoit de nombreuses offres de travail des entreprises franco-colombiennes installées en Colombie ainsi que de ses adhérents. Si vous êtes membre ou si votre entreprise est affiliée au Club Concorde vous pouvez nous faire parvenir vos offres d´emploi à fin de les diffuser auprès de tous nos adhérents. Vous pouvez également recevoir les candidatures directement ou à travers le Club Concorde.

Si vous êtes membre du Club Concorde, vous pouvez bénéficier de nombreuses offres d´emploi. La bourse d´emploi franco-colombienne est gérée en accord avec la Chambre Franco-colombienne de Commerce et de l´Industrie et par l´Association d´Anciens Élèves du Lycée Français Louis Pasteur. D´Echanges Les membres du Club Concorde peuvent proposer à travers de notre bourse d´échanges leurs services ou produits. Ofertas de empleo - CompuTrabajo. Buscador de ofertas de empleo: Resultados de la búsqueda. Argentina. Inflación y precios, José Sbatella en la UIF, Narcotráfico -