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7 mistakes to avoid when building a Moodle course – Lewis Carr. How-to Integrate Online Collaboration Tools to Support Learning. I share here a five-step strategy for integrating technology tools to support meaningful learning in online courses. However I’d be misleading readers if I suggested that effective technology integration is as easy as following a five-step formula; I’m likely not sharing anything new with readers by emphasizing it’s not.

A key component when creating effective online learning experiences with ed-tech tools that lead to collaborative learning (and not busy-work that students abhor), is determining why and how. The why and how needs to be determined well before implementing the five steps. I was inspired to delve into the strategy behind ed-tech integration after reading “10+ No-Signup Collaboration Tools You Can Use in 10 Seconds” (Couch, 2015). I tweeted the article last week (below). WHAT and WHY Teachers and faculty need to know why they are using the tool, which begins with what—what learning goal or objective does using a learning activity support? Collaborative Tools References. Zeven voorbeelden van kleinschalige e-learning! - E-learning made easy. E-learning is *** duur. Toch kun je ook e-learning inzetten voor kleinere projecten. Deze e-learning is minder kostbaar.

Wat zijn dan voorbeelden van kleinschalige e-learning? We geven ook budgettips e-learning. Voorbeeld 1: introductiecursus nieuwe medewerkers Nu worden er bijeenkomsten gehouden voor nieuwe medewerkers om kennis te maken met de nieuwe organisatie. Daarin wordt iets verteld over de visie, over het beleid van de organisatie en misschien houdt de directeur of de voorzitter van bestuur een praatje. Natuurlijk is het aspect van mensen ontmoeten, nieuwe collega’s ontmoeten heel waardevol en dat kun je ook zeker behouden, maar de kennis die je overdraagt aan mensen tijdens zo’n bijeenkomst kun je prima doen in e-learning. Het vraagt geen enorme didactische inspanning om hierover e-learning te maken.

Een mooie tool hierbij kan zijn waarbij je ook vragen en hotspots kunt toevoegen aan video. Voorbeeld 2: verandering van protocol Budgettips e-learning. 10 Benefits Of Microlearning-Based Training - EI Design Blog. While microlearning is not a new concept, it is suddenly being talked about as the next significant approach to train workforce. Although chunking content into short bytes has existed for a long time, we are seeing an increased focus on microlearning as a fairly significant part of an organization’s overall training delivery. Here are 10 benefits of microlearning-based training. In this article, I will outline why “less is more” and touch upon the top 10 benefits of microlearning-based training. What Is Microlearning? Microlearning is a short, focused learning nugget (often 3-5 mins long or shorter) that is designed to meet a specific learning outcome.

It can be used to offer formal training but it often finds a wider usage in informal training (with a focus on performance gain). Why Is Microlearning Suddenly In News? Many of us may be familiar with the exponential nature of forgetting. Supplement or reinforce the primary, formal training. Learner-centric. Affordable and agile. Making a move from face-to-face to online training? Third step: Keep it social – Elucidat Blog. Considering a move from face-to-face to online learning but concerned about losing that personal touch? Social and collaborative learning is not only extremely powerful, but is probably also the way most of us naturally learn in the workplace. In this article, discover 10 ways you can retain the richness of social learning as you make the move to online.

The magic of people in learning Well-designed face-to-face learning has some great features going for it: Stories and example sharing: rich sources of learning that tend to stick in people’s mindsObservations: people can practice a skill and be observed by peers or an expert, who provide feedbackCollaborative learning: where people work together on a task and learn from one anotherExpert guidance: facilitators who provide knowledge, demos, and feedbackCompetition: there might be some competitive elements that encourage learning to take place. How can you bottle this and bring it into your online offering? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Using The Waterfall Model In Instructional Design: A Guide For eLearning Professionals. Are you looking for a Project Management approach that focuses on in depth analysis and detailed planning to facilitate your Instructional Design process? If so, then the Waterfall approach might be just what you need. In this article, I'll share 4 benefits of the Waterfall approach in Instructional Design, and I'll highlight each of the 6 steps involved.

The Waterfall Model has been used for more than 40 years. Thus, it is a time-tested approach that has been finely tuned over the decades. As its name suggests, this development model centers on a step-by-step design process. 4 Benefits Of Using The Waterfall Model In Instructional Design Cost effective. The Waterfall In Instructional Design This Instructional Design process involves six key stages that takes a linear approach. Needs Analysis Assess the needs of your learners and identify the primary goals and objectives of the eLearning course. At the other end of the Instructional Design spectrum is the Iterative Design approach. Objectives - chasing the tail of the next big thing | What you need to know. Success And Inhibiting Factors Behind The Instructional Design Of Collaborative eLearning Activities.

A quick look on eLearning job advertisements and one will immediately notice the increasing demand for instructional designers capable to create collaborative eLearning activities, by taking full advantage of social media, as learning tools. However, despite the demand and the many articles written about the effectiveness of social learning and its direct impact in eLearning, collaborative eLearning activities are still not frequently integrated into the instructional design to the extent we would expect.

In this article, I’ll present the factors that contribute to the success of collaborative eLearning activities, as well as the inhibiting factors that make Instructional Designers reluctant to include them in their instructional design for eLearning. 5 Collaborative eLearning Activities Success Factors Research in the area has concluded that there are indeed some factors that can determine the success of collaborative eLearning activities. These are the following: Who will be in charge.

Toll-net - Xerte. Online Leertrajecten Ontwikkelen - Lessons. The 7Cs of Learning Design Toolkit. This section contains an integrated set of resources for technology-enhanced learning design across discplines. The resources have all been tried and tested by participants on the University of Leicester's Carpe Diem workshops and the Open University's OULDI (OU Learning Design Initiative) project, and are organised under the headings of seven Cs: conceptualise, capture, create, communicate, collaborate, consider and consolidate.

How to use the 7Cs toolkit for designing technology-enhanced learning A brief guide to using the resources in this toolkit The 7Cs e-tivities map This document contains links to all the e-tivities in the 7Cs learning design toolkit, along with a short purpose statement for each one. This is the recommended starting point for anyone interested in using the 7Cs resources. E-tivity 2: Introduce yourself Purpose: to introduce yourself to other participants on the 7Cs Learning Design course and get to know others. E-tivity 3: Start your reflective blog. Innoveren van leren: op naar 2020 by Social Learning Revolution | ZEEF. Blended Learning Dag 5 - Lessons. Kwaliteitswinst en resultaten (vervolg vorige tegel) Een schets van de kwaliteitswinst en van resultaten: • Het rendement is gestegen van 60% naar 85% en later zelfs 91%. • Studenten zijn meer tevreden over aanbod van het materiaal, over de opzet en over de begeleiding.

Ze beoordelen het vak met een cijfer 7.5 tegen een cijfer 4 of 5 in de jaren ervoor. • Van de 615 eerstejaars hebben er 595 deelgenomen aan een toets. 581 van hen hebben de toets gehaald. . • Ruimte voor eigen leerstijl en tempo. . • Geen verplichte colleges. . • Vrij flexibel systeem. . • Diagnostische toets leverde niet verwachte resultaat. ‘Het zweet op de juiste rug’ De docent die zwoegt om iedereen mee te krijgen?

Meer voordelen en oplossingen Er zijn meer voordelen en oplossingen het vermelden waard: • Er is meer dynamiek in de werkcolleges door de theorie vraaggestuurd te bespreken. • Het online systeem peilt ook succes rate van elke vraag. • Wekelijks wordt via de ELO het rooster bekend gemaakt. Webinar Replay: Unleash the Power of Rainmaker Pro | The Digital Marketing Podcast Network. On Monday, Brian and I hosted a webinar that focused on the fundamentals of smarter online marketing and how the new Rainmaker Pro features help you execute them. Specifically, we went through a live demo of the Learning Management System and Marketing Automation features, which I used myself to develop The Showrunner Podcasting Course.

We got overwhelmingly positive feedback on the webinar, so we are reposting it here for anyone who missed it. And while you’re here, a quick reminder about the offer that expires today, Friday, May 1, 2015: Rainmaker Platform Pro — which includes the online course builder and marketing automation features — is not available for general purchase yet. But if you start your free 14-day trial of the Rainmaker Platform by today at 5:00 p.m. Basically: you’ll save money in the long run, a lot of it, while getting to put the Learning Management System and Marketing Automation features into use immediately.