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L’arrivée de Pinterest en bibliothèques. 20 Ways Libraries Are Using Pinterest Right Now. The 10 Rights Of A Reader 3.97K Views 0 Likes What are your rights as a reader? First off, you have the right NOT to read. Promoting Your Library through Pinterest - Aurora. If you are a librarian and haven't yet heard of Pinterest, it's definitely worth a look, especially if your library is into leveraging social media to promote library services.

Promoting Your Library through Pinterest - Aurora

Pinterest is a social networking site that lets users create groupings (pinboards) of images (pins) they find on the web or upload. Users can then interact with other people's pins and pinboards by "like"ing pins or by following pinboards. If you have already heard of Pinterest, it is probably because the site is making big news lately on the Interwebs. According to comScore, Pinterest was the fastest growing independent site to hit 10 million monthly unique visits in the U.S.