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Digital Photography Techniques. Make the most of your digital camera by learning new photography techniques. These include tips for photographing specific subjects, using different creative styles, and improving image quality. Using Your Camera Subjects Photo Lighting Composition The Rule of ThirdsUsing Diagonals for Dynamic PhotosNegative Space - Sometimes Less is More Image Stacking & Multiple Exposures While every photographer eventually develops their own style, learning common techniques can help you get to this stage more easily.

View in other languages: Português Русский Deutsch Français Italiano. 25 Cool Digital Photography Tutorials, Techniques and Effects. The list of cool digital photography tutorials and techniques is endless, you can even find ten completely different methods to achieve the same effect. Which is the best? It really depends on the photographer and their level of expertise. In this post, we have listed our personal favorites photography techniques with tutorials to help you recreate the same effect. You will find techniques for the currently in vogue HDR, Tilt-Shifting and Lomography to the less common and diverse Sabatier and Escher effects. Infrared Photography What is the Infrared Spectrum? High Speed Photography High-Speed Photography is used in physics, health research, sports and more. Lomo Photography Tilt Shifting Photography This Photoshop tutorial will teach you about simulating the tilt-shift lens effect that is used mostly in photography.

HDR Photography This is a detailed guide about taking photos for an HDR image. Cinematic Portrait Effect Coloring a Black and White Image Diorama Illusion Effect Cross Processing. Photo editor online - edit image. c130bulldawg's Channel. FotoFlexer. Splashup. Sumo Paint | Online Image Editor. Photo editor online / free image editing direct in your browser -