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Branch Maintenance. You may have noticed by now that Subversion is extremely flexible. Because it implements branches and tags with the same underlying mechanism (directory copies), and because branches and tags appear in normal filesystem space, many people find Subversion intimidating. It's almost too flexible. In this section, we'll offer some suggestions for arranging and managing your data over time. There are some standard, recommended ways to organize a repository. Most people create a trunk directory to hold the “main line” of development, a branches directory to contain branch copies, and a tags directory to contain tag copies. If a repository holds only one project, then often people create these top-level directories: /trunk /branches /tags If a repository contains multiple projects, admins typically index their layout by project (see the section called “Choosing a Repository Layout” to read more about “project roots”): /paint/trunk /paint/branches /paint/tags /calc/trunk /calc/branches /calc/tags.

[Bonne pratique] Précisions sur la structure des répertoires ? [Bonne pratique] Branches, tags, et trunk. Quick way searching comments from svn using bash script - Mohamed Mansour. Posted on April 23, 2009, 1:20 am EST As far as I know, there is no mechanism to search "svn log" for a specific comment. Sure you can do "svn log | grep Mohamed", but that will just give you the line where that comment was found. I wanted more information, such as revision number. So I created a very simple script (there are a gazillion other ways to do it), that you give it a regular expression as argument (quoted of course).

After you save that script and run it, (make sure you chmod +x) you will see a pretty view of what you have searched within the comments. CODE: $ . [Bonne pratique] [Débat] Bonne pratique pour Subversion ?