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My name is Giovanni. Munster, Germany. Giovanni Pandolfini in the days before the show for the "Madness and Arts" theatre festival. Florence, Italy. Giovanni Pandolfini and Laura Bucciarelli during the rehearsals of the show "Corpo 1 Prologo". Florence, Italy. Giovanni Pandolfini and Luisa Salvestroni during rehearsals at Brozzi theatre. Florence, Italy. Cascina, Pisa, Italy. Florence, Italy. Florence, Italy. Florence, Italy. Florence, Italy. Florence, Italy. Florence, Italy. Florence, Italy. Florence, Italy. Florence, Italy. Florence, Italy. Florence, Italy. Munster, Germany. Munster, Germany. Florence, Italy. Florence, Italy. Florence, Italy. Germany. Florence, Italy. 10-10 collectif argentique et photo analog lausanne. Transit- Collectif de photographes. L'Ev - nantes - COLLECTIF ARGOS. ATELIERETAGUARDIA.

Collectifs de photographes.