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A Baseline for Front-End Developers. 12 Apr 2012 edit I wrote a README the other day for a project that I'm hoping other developers will look at and learn from, and as I was writing it, I realized that it was the sort of thing that might have intimidated the hell out of me a couple of years ago, what with its casual mentions of Node, npm, Homebrew, git, tests, and development and production builds. Once upon a time, editing files, testing them locally (as best as we could, anyway), and then FTPing them to the server was the essential workflow of a front-end dev. We measured our mettle based on our ability to wrangle IE6 into submission or achieve pixel perfection across browsers.

Many members of the community -- myself included -- lacked traditional programming experience. Something has changed in the last couple of years. Whatever it is, I think we're seeing the emphasis shift from valuing trivia to valuing tools. JavaScript This might go without saying, but simply knowing a JavaScript library isn't sufficient any more. Where To Start - Learning Android Development the Right Way My wife recently… Where To Start - Learning Android Development the Right Way My wife recently asked for help to get started Developing for Android so I felt it would be best to gather up some resources that would get her off and running in the right direction with style and UI consistency in the forefront to ensure that she knows how important it is to follow the UI Standards set down from Google.

Here are some excellent resources I found that I hope can help you too: First Things First, Learn Java If you don't know the Java Programming Language or maybe you are coming from a different language and need to get familiar with some Java constructs, here are some excellent resources to get you started. Java Tutorial (Extensive Tutorial) Getting started with Java - "A beginner's guide to Java Programming" Introduction to Java Programming - Lars. Programar Juegos Arcade con Python y Pygame. Package Control - the Sublime Text package manager. Home of free code snippets for Bootstrap | Cheat Sheet. Download cheat sheet as printable PDF A5 Syntax Child: > nav>ul>li Sibling: + div+p+bq Climb-up: ^ div+div>p>span+em^bq div+div>p>span+em^^bq Grouping: () div>(header>ul>li*2>a)+footer>p (div>dl>(dt+dd)*3)+footer>p Multiplication: * ul>li*5 Item numbering: $ ul>li.item$*5 h$[title=item$]{Header $}*3 <h1 title="item1">Header 1</h1><h2 title="item2">Header 2</h2><h3 title="item3">Header 3</h3> ul>li.item$$$*5 ul>li.item$@-*5 ul>li.item$@3*5 ID and CLASS attributes #header .title form#search.wide p.class1.class2.class3 Custom attributes p[title="Hello world"] td[rowspan=2 colspan=3 title] [a='value1' b="value2"] Text: {} a{Click me} <a href="">Click me</a> p>{Click }+a{here}+{ to continue} <p>Click <a href="">here</a> to continue</p> Implicit tag names .class em>.class ul>.class table>.row>.col All unknown abbreviations will be transformed to tag, e.g. foo → <foo></foo>.

Alias of html:5 <! A a:link a:mail abbr acronym, acr base basefont br frame hr bdo bdo:r bdo:l col link link:css link:print link:favicon link:touch link:rss link:atom meta meta:utf img c. OpenClassroom. Full courses. Short Videos. Free for everyone. Learn the fundamentals of human-computer interaction and design thinking, with an emphasis on mobile web applications. A practical introduction to Unix and command line utilities with a focus on Linux. Introduction to fundamental techniques for designing and analyzing algorithms, including asymptotic analysis; divide-and-conquer algorithms and recurrences; greedy algorithms; data structures; dynamic programming; graph algorithms; and randomized algorithms. Database design and the use of database management systems (DBMS) for applications. Machine learning algorithms that learn feature representations from unlabeled data, including sparse coding, autoencoders, RBMs, DBNs.

Introduction to discrete probability, including probability mass functions, and standard distributions such as the Bernoulli, Binomial, Poisson distributions. Introduction to applied machine learning. This is a course created to test the website.


Javascript. CSS3 & HTML5. Internet.