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Chocolate Cake Roll « the sunlit kitchen. Cannelloni z sosem bolońskim. Cannelloni z sosem bolońskim 217Cannelloni al ragù bolognese Składniki, 4 porcje: • 18 rurek cannelloni, około 200 g • sos boloński z poniższego przepisu • sos beszamelowy z poniższego przepisu Sos boloński: • 3 łyżki oliwy extra vergine • 1 cebula • 1 ząbek czosnku • 2 łodygi selera naciowego • 1 marchewka • 150 g pancetty lub boczku (np. krojonego w paski, lekko wędzonego) • 500 g mielonego mięsa wołowego (lub wołowo-wieprzowego) • 1 szklanka białego wina • 140 g (4 łyżki) koncentratu pomidorowego • 1 szklanka gorącego bulionu wołowego • 1 puszka (400 g) pomidorów pelati lub passaty pomidorowej • sól morska i świeżo zmielony czarny pieprz • 1/2 łyżeczki suszonego oregano (opcjonalnie) Sos beszamelowy: • 30 g masła • 2 łyżki mąki • 300 ml mleka • sól morska • szczypta gałki muszkatołowej • 1/2 szklanki tartego parmezanu Przygotowanie:

Biscoff Cookie Butter Cookies. Until a few weeks ago, I'd never tried Biscoff or cookie butter. I know my weaknesses - and I know I have no self control around certain things. For instance, I can't have salt & vinegar chips, Cinnamon Toast Crunch, or cheese puffs in my home at any time. At all. The last time I bought Cinnamon Toast Crunch I thought to myself, "It's just cereal.

It's not that bad now and then. Just show some self control! " A few hours later I was sitting cross-legged on the floor of my kitchen, covered in a fine dusting of cinnamon sugar, staring blankly into an empty cereal box. So unless I have someone with me who will share the goodies, someone I know will eat their half and not allow me to snarfle the entire box/bag down in one sitting, I just don't buy those things. I used Trader Joe's Speculoos Cookie Butter to make these cookies, but after tasting both versions, I prefer the Biscoff brand over the TJ's version.

Biscoff Cookie Butter Cookies makes 3 dozen cookies barely adapted from Baking Bites. Sernikobrownie. Sernikobrownie dyniowe Składniki:Ciasto czekoladowe Brownie: • 200 g ciemnej, gorzkiej czekolady • 200 g masła • 3 jajka • 230 g drobnego cukru lub cukru pudru • 120 g mąkiMasa serowo - dyniowa: • 500 g śmietankowego twarogu • 1/2 szklanki drobnego cukru lub cukru pudru • 1 szklanka puree z pieczonej dyni* • 2 jajka • 1/2 łyżeczki przypraw do dyni (1/4 łyżeczki cynamonu, 1/8 łyżeczki imbiru w proszku, 1/8 łyżeczki gałki muszkatołowej) • 100 g białej czekolady (1 tabliczka), roztopiona Przygotowanie: Małą formę 20 x 24 cm wysmarować tłuszczem, wyłożyć papierem do pieczenia, który również posmarować tłuszczem.

Piekarnik nagrzać do 170 stopni. Ciasto czekoladowe Brownie: Roztopić ciemną czekoladę razem z masłem, ostudzić. Czytaj więcej w BLOGU. Kwestia Smaku - Blog kulinarny. Nutella Filled Sugar Cookies. A few weeks ago a friend sent me an invite to join Pinterest. Not knowing much about it, I joined and wow! I didn't realize there were so many recipes to be found. They're not listed but rather you find them via photographs that people have "pinned" on their boards. It's like a foodie paradise but so much more. Pinterest is pretty cool in that it's a creative way to express yourself via repinning other images that people have on their boards.

Here is a screenshot of a few of mine. As you can see, I have food oriented things and other themed ones like photography, butch-femme plus many others that aren't visible in the screenshot. Now on to the main event! Nutella-filled Sugar Cookies Recipe from Buns In My Oven blog: 1/2 cup Nutella 2-1/2 cups flour 1/2 teaspoon baking powder 1/2 teaspoon salt 1-1/2 cups plus 1/3 cup granulated sugar, divided 14 tablespoons (1-3/4 sticks) salted butter, softened 2 large eggs 2 teaspoons vanilla Line a baking sheet with parchment paper.

Seal the edges. Veggie and Chicken Spring Rolls | CouponClippingCook. Veggie and Chicken Spring Rolls: My Guest Post on Cooking Healthy For Me Hi Everyone! This recipe was originally a guest post on Cooking Healthy For Me which is a site that’s no longer active so I included the full post below. Thank you so much for stopping by! These spring rolls are great for an appetizer or even a meal. They can be made ahead of time and are delicious when served with dipping sauces. Here’s a recipe called Easy Peanut Sauce that tastes sooo great with spring rolls. The inspiration for these spring rolls came from a super tasty recipe that I saw on The Pioneer Woman’s Cooks. She made it look so easy that I just had to try it. Let’s check out the ingredients: Bean thread noodles, spring roll wrappers, boneless skinless chicken breast, bean sprouts, broccoli, red or green leaf lettuce, cilantro, zucchini squash, carrots and green onions.

Here’s how to make it. Thinly slice the zucchini into 4 inch strips. Next, thinly slice the carrots into 4 inch strips. Add the bean thread noodles. Frittata Caprese. Frittata z pomidorami, mozzarellą i bazylią Składniki, 2 porcje (na małą patelnię o średnicy około 20 cm): • 2 pomidory • sól morska i świeżo zmielony czarny pieprz • 1 łyżka octu balsamicznego • 1 łyżka oliwy extra vergine • 4 jajka • 1/2 ząbka czosnku • 3 łyżki mleka • 1 kulka (125 g) mozzarelli • bazylia • 1 łyżka masła + dla chętnych: • dodatkowy inny ser, około 50 g, np. ser feta, camembert, ser cheddar lub inny ulubiony "żółty" • szczypta płatków chili Przygotowanie: Piekarnik nagrzać do 180 stopni i przygotować patelnię, którą można wstawiać do piekarnika.

Ciasto z jagodami. Ciasto z jagodamii musem z białej czekolady Składniki: Spód z białą czekoladą: • 6 łyżek masła • 100 g białej czekolady • 1 i 1/4 szklanki mąki • 1/2 łyżeczki proszku do pieczenia • 1/2 łyżeczki soli • 3 duże jajka w temperaturze pokojowej • 1 szklanka cukru pudru • skórka starta z 1 cytryny (tylko żółta część) • 2 łyżeczka ekstraktu z wanilii Mus z białą czekoladą: • 3 łyżki cukru • 3 żółtka • 100 ml śmietanki kremówki • 50 g masła • 100 g białej czekolady • 250 ml śmietanki kremówki (bardzo zimnej) do ubicia na sztywną pianę • około 1 i 1/2 szklanki jagód Przygotowanie: Blaszkę o wymiarach 20 x 30 cm wysmarować tłuszczem, wyłożyć papierem do pieczenia i jeszcze raz posmarować tłuszczem. Piekarnik nagrzać do 170 stopni.Spód z białą czekoladą: W mikrofalówce lub na bardzo małym ogniu, ciągle mieszając, roztopić masło razem z połamaną na kostki czekoladą, ostudzić.

Chocolate Cupcakes with Blueberry Cream Cheese Frosting - My Kitchen Fixation. What’s your favorite kind of cupcake? My favorite kind of cupcake is anything, as long as it’s a mini cupcake! They’re so small that I don’t feel terrible for eating a few of them when I’m feeling indulgent, and I’m not forced to eat a giant cupcake when all I want is a few small bites. A few months ago, I went through a phase where I would only make mini cupcakes. This posed a bit of a problem, because one regular batch of cupcakes would make three times the number of mini cupcakes. I would turn any recipe I found into a mini cupcake recipe, and then I would force these mini cupcakes on TC, my friends, family, fundraisers, security guards, anyone at all! Well, this is the third blueberry post, because I am still swimming in blueberries. But mini cupcakes weren’t all for tonight.

Okay, so I’m a little silly, but I think it’s so cute. {*style:<b> </b>*} {*style:<b>For The Cupcakes </b>*}(Original recipe found in Glorious Treats , but scaled to make 24 mini cupcakes) 2/3 cups sugar 1 egg. Oreo Brownies Recipe | Sugar & Snapshots. For a long time I didn’t “get” Oreo brownies. I couldn’t fathom why anyone would take a delicious brownie and add Oreos to it. Maybe it’s because I’m a bit of a purist when it comes to my sweets. I don’t want to corrupt my beloved brownies. I used to not like my food to touch on my place when I was a kid. See where I’m going with this? Chocolate and peanut butter were the only two great tastes I ever allowed to combine in my world. I also think box mixes are the devil and turning several boxed/packaged desserts together into one abomination is enough to make me want to throw up.

Brownies hold a special place in my heart as the first dessert Lia made for me from scratch. I won’t say that these are the best brownies I’ve ever eaten, because I don’t think they qualify as brownies. And the best part? Makes 16 brownies in a 8x8x3-inch (20cm) square pan Preheat your oven to about 350°F (180°C). Adapted from Lorraine Pascal’s Baking Made Easy PS. Off to School with Mommy’s Nutella. No, I’m not the one going to school. I did that for 20+ years of my life. I had enough. But, my 3 year old, Ana, is going to start preschool in about 10 days and I am freaking out.

When I set out to sign her up, I was 110% sure that this was the right thing to do. I mean, she needs to be around kids, she needs to socialize, she needs to learn how to share with others, she needs to… you get the point. Also, I’ve been so busy with the baby that I don’t have as much time as I used to have to devote to playtime with Ana. Anyways. Yesterday morning I asked her if she was looking forward to going to preschool and she yelled, “NO!”. She then asked me to make her a toast with Mommy’s Nutella. We then proceeded with our conversation: “Ana, do you think you would be happier to go to preschool if I served you Nutella every morning?”.

Bribes – because they work. I pray that she will be OK. Have a jar with me…Nutella makes everything better. Adapted from Leite’s Culinaria Ingredients Instructions. Muffiny razowe z dynią. Muffinki razowe z dynią z bakaliami i orzechami włoskimi Składniki, 9 - 12 porcji: • 1/2 szklanka bakalii (rodzynek, posiekanych fig i daktyli) • 1/2 szklanki orzechów włoskich, posiekanych • 1 i 1/2 szklanki mąki pszennej razowej • 1/3 szklanki brązowego cukru • 1 łyżeczka mielonych przypraw (cynamonu, kardamonu, gałki muszkatołowej i imbiru) • 3/4 łyżeczki proszku do pieczenia • 1/2 łyżeczki sody oczyszczonej • 1/3 łyżeczki soli • 2 jajka • 3/4 szklanki drobno startej surowej dyni • 1/2 szklanki oliwy z oliwek z pierwszego tłoczenia (lub oleju roślinnego) • 1/2 szklanki płynnego miodu Przygotowanie: Piekarnik nagrzać do 175 stopni.

Strawberry Ripe Protein Bars | Chocolate Chilli Mango. Strawberry Ripe? Don’t you mean Cherry Ripe? Don’t you have a thing for Cherry Ripe? Bounty Bars. You also like those, right? Yes, I do have a thing for Cherry Ripe and Bounty Bars … oh wait, you read the blog! These are really good. I just wanted to show you that you don’t need flavoured whey to make a great fruit flavoured whey bar. Freeze dried fruits are a fantastic invention. Let’s hop to it cos these bars aren’t waiting around for anyone You can use whatever protein powder you like for these. I used almond milk, just because I prefer it to coconut milk.

Oh yeah, they’re gluten and can be made lactose or dairy free. Enjoy! Makes 4 large or 8 small bars Directions Place the strawberries in the bowl of a food processor and process until finely ground. Add the coconut or almond milk and process until the mixture starts to come together. Place the dark chocolate into a plastic bowl and microwave for about one minute. Feast your eyes on the strawberry coconut and chocolate goodness. Ami's Vegetarian Delicacies: Bircher Muesli - Healthiest Breakfast Ever. Bread with butter, marmite and another slice with jam is what I used have for breakfast regularly. Its definitely not the most healthy way to start your day. When we moved here, we often came across this breakfast meal named Bircher Muesli. We were curious try it out, as it was a popular Swiss breakfast sold everywhere from cafes, bakeries, super markets to office canteens.

Bircher is the name of the Swiss physician who introduced this in 1900s. I tried it outside and felt it was a filling and delicious breakfast. I use seasonal fruits to make this meal. Although original recipe does not call for cinnamon powder. What's your favorite summer fruit? A Raw Mocca Mousse. Are you a coffee lover? Good, cuz you're invited to a crazy raw tea party *on my bed* where the magic happens. Especially today as Im having a photo shoot on my bed (the room's got two windows and a mirror so the light is perfect). I love making mousses as you can pop what ever you fancy in them. Ah well almost anything. I picture an old, odd lady living with 20 cats in a cabin somewhere where the mailman don't visit, that she feeds the bears and wolves around her house with leftovers and that she has a raven living on her porch.

If you don't want 7 tablespoons of nasty, decadent, strong, black coffee in your mousse, then try adding some Maca instead. Crazy Tea Party Mocca Mousse, swedish • 2.5 dl Cocosmjölk (2.5 dl Vatten + 1 dl Cocos, kör i blender och pressa ut mjölken genom en "nötmjölkspåse") • 1 krm äkta Vanilj • 2 msk Avocado • 7 msk starkt, svart Kaffe Kärna ur och blötlägg Dadlarna. . • Do you happen to be Swedish? • Not signed up for my free eLetter yet? Like this post?