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Morse Code Translator. Text to Morse Just type letters, numbers and punctuation into the top box and press the "Translate" button. The program will place the Morse code in the bottom box, inserting a "? " if the character cannot be translated. If you want to translate prosigns, enter them as "<CT>" for instance and tick the "Use prosigns" checkbox in the advanced controls.

If you are learning Morse code it is recommended that you hide the dots and dashes output as reading this can slow your learning down. Morse to Text You can type Morse code into the top box using ". " for a dot and "-" or "_" for a dash. Sound The "play", "stop" buttons control the sound playback. Notes This translator requires JavaScript to be enabled. If you would like to see a list of all the Morse code characters please go to my Morse Code page. If you have any questions about Morse code or the translator, please read my FAQ first.

Learn morse code. United States Military Telegraph - Morse Code Files. The USMT CW Communicator Ionosphere server! Use our server address of "" in your CW Communicator program! Practice CW, DOT or any version of MorseCode you choose. For DOT Code, please use channel 1863. CW Comm is an excellent "live" or "real time" internet morse code program made by MRX Software. To help promote all versions of morse code, we've provided some links on the right-hand side of the page that may be useful.

Below are some reviews of the programs above. CWirc, by Pierre-Philippe Coupard, is a plugin for the X-Chat IRC client to transmit raw morse code over the internet using IRC servers as reflectors. A brief note about CWirc; CWirc is quite flexible. Ham Univesity is another great tool for learning and practicing morse code. MorseAcademy is a good tool for learning and practicing morse code. MorseMail is a simple program which will allow you to send recordings or "numerical" representations of morse code through the clicks of your mouse via email.

Return. Alphabet morse. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Code morse international. L’alphabet morse ou code morse, est un code permettant de transmettre un texte à l’aide de séries d’impulsions courtes et longues, qu’elles soient produites par des signes, une lumière ou un geste. Ce code est souvent attribué à Samuel Morse, cependant plusieurs personnes démentent ce fait, et tendent à attribuer la paternité du langage à son assistant, Alfred Vail[1],[2].

Parallèlement au code morse[3], des abréviations commerciales plus élaborées ont été créées codant des phrases complètes en un seul mot (groupe de 5 lettres). Les opérateurs de télégraphie conversaient alors en utilisant des mots tels que BYOXO (Are you trying to crawl out of it?) , LIOUY (Why do you not answer my question?) Et AYYLU (Not clearly coded, repeat more clearly.). Station radiotélégraphique type Marconi Depuis le début du XXe siècle et l’invention de la lampe Aldis, les bateaux peuvent également communiquer en morse lumineux. Telegrafia, radioamatori telegrafisti italiani, cw, radiotelegrafia.