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The Eclectic Researcher. Snake Robot. Yes, that's right: SNAKE ROBOTS!

Snake Robot

They're combining robotics, 3D printing and millennia of snake motion evolution to create real snake robots. The video shows the snakes moving about in a not-quite-smooth, but eerily lifelike manner. The 3D connection is that major portions of the snakes are built using 3D printing technology (from Objet). Dr. Wolf explains the advantages of using 3D printing for construction of the snakes: "just throw your parts" together, you don't have to worry as much about building parts, instead you focus on the repeatedly improving the design. Via YouTube (Hat tip to Shimrit)

Grasshopper. Matter design. Fabrication. Grasshopper: Parametric CurvesThis module covers the basic parametric properties of curves along with common grasshopper methods for evaluating and dividing curves.


ARCH 598 Summer 2011information >> n-formations FABRICS // LATTICES // FIELDSThis course is designed to introduce and explore computational design, algorithmic thinking, and digital manufacturing–both: the larger ramifications that emerging digital technologies and ideas are having architectural theory via readings, discussions, presentations; and the practical application of these ideas and tools through a series of hands-on, iterative modeling and fabrication assignments.

ARCH 581/498 : Fall 2010Digital Design + Fabrication Foundations I Grasshopper: Surface to Planar TrianglesGrasshopper : Surface to Planar Triangles : Fabrication Layout of Planar Components Laser Cutting: Adobe IllustratorLaser Cutting from Adobe Illustrator. WooJae's Blog. LIFT architects. eVolo. Designed by Maria Mingallon, Sakthivel Ramaswamy, Konstantinos Karatzas Fibre composite adaptive systems is a research project which emulates self-organisation processes in nature by developing a fibre composite that can sense, actuate and hence efficiently adapt to changing environmental conditions.


Fibre composites which are anisotropic and heterogeneous offer the possibility for local variations in their material properties. Embedded fibre optics would be used to sense multiple parameters and shape memory alloys integrated in a fibre composite material for actuation. The definition of the geometry, both locally and globally would complement the adaptive functions and hence the system would display ’Integrated Functionality’. ‘Thigmo-morphogenesis’ refers to the changes in shape, structure and material properties of biological organisms that are produced in response to transient changes in environmental conditions. -> EVOLO SKYSCRAPERS 2 - Limited Edition Book. Dumo. (n)Certainties. Speculative apps « echoechonoisenoise. Architecture discourse is traditionally shaped by drawings and critical writings. what happens, if they are interactive and easily translatable to the fabrication maschines code?

speculative apps « echoechonoisenoise

What if they’re source is open, so that anyone can contribute? I’m currently working on a series of little design apps, focusing on specific aspects of the architecture i would like to see built… eventually. these are not made for any particular project, but rather for playfull exploration. in many cases they will be remixes or fusions of other designers work and therefore credited as such. i would love to discuss ideas about space this way. first one happened to be about ‘saturation’-my subsitute for ‘detail’,’ornament’ or ‘articulation’. it’s neither ‘surface treatment’, nor pure texture. i’m excited about phenomenal intesity similar to Snow Crash :) app+code Like this: Like Loading... Tags: apps, architecture, discourse, generative, open source, processing, speculative, toxiclibs.