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Candles, Techniques and Ideas | Candle Making | 10 Common Thrift Store Finds And Ways to Use Them for DIY Projects. Pickles. Crafts | Handmade Gift Ideas | DIY Projects - - Free Knitting Patterns, Knitting Tips, How-To Knit, Videos, Hints and More! Golden bird knits. Grafting succulents. Peyote stitch dread beads. Peyote stitch sleeves are tubes made of tiny glass beads to decorate your dreadlocks with. As they are made of coloured seed beads, they will always keep their vibrant colours. Once you are getting the hang of it, you will be able to make them with beautiful patterns. In this tutorial we'll explain how you can make a peyote stitch sleeve yourself. We will be making a peyote stitch sleeve that will be made to a tube at the end of the process.

What you need Seed beads. 1. To show you clearly what is happening, we worl with 2 colours in this tutorial: green and orange. Get a long piece of thead (at least 70 cm) and thread your needle with it. The easiest thing is to work with an even number of beads per row. 2. Now the real weaving starts: the second row will be done in green. Finish the second row in the same manner: string a green bead, skip one orange bead, pull your needle through, pull the thread firmly etc. 3. 4.

There will be a time when you are almost finished weaving. Some ideas. Growing an apple tree from seed.