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Teacher and trainer: communication, ICT, social media, learning in different environments, SEN, career coaching

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Speaker Deck - Share Presentations without the Mess. Työ. 10 työkalua, joiden avulla teet itsellesi näyttävän ansioluettelon - Duunitori: Työelämä. Tutustuimme palveluihin, joiden avulla voit luoda helposti ja nopeasti hienot nettisivut työnhakusi tueksi ja samalla teet itsesi paremmin löydettäväksi.

10 työkalua, joiden avulla teet itsellesi näyttävän ansioluettelon - Duunitori: Työelämä

Jos etsit uutta työpaikkaa, suunnittelet uranvaihtoa, tai vain haluat kertoa tarinasi maailmalle, kannattaa tehdä omat sivut. Näiden työkalujen avulla teet itsellesi helposti aloitussivun tai jopa kokonaisen sivuston. Sivujen tekeminen on tehty todella helpoksi ja pienellä vaivannäöllä voit luoda itsellesi täysin uniikin ja varmasti muista erottuvan ansioluettelon. Sinun ei siis tarvitse osata koodata yhtään! Jos et tiedä mistä aloittaa, niin vinkkinä: hakukoneen avulla voit löytää eri palveluista muiden käyttäjien ansioluetteloita, joista voit saada inspiraatiota ja ideoita. Katso myös: Ohjeita oman verkkoportfolion tekoon 1. on kuin henkilökohtainen kotisivusi. 2. Aivan kuten, voit koota yhdelle sivulle kaikki haluamasi linkit eri sosiaalisen median kanaviin ja kertoa jotain itsestäsi. Digital Marketing Is A Great Equalizer For Startups. Most technical entrepreneurs cringe when they finally realize that marketing is still king, despite the power of technology, and they are up against competitors who have a hundred times their spending power.

Digital Marketing Is A Great Equalizer For Startups

Luckily, the digital revolution has been a great equalizer in the marketing world, if used effectively to target the audience, engage the customer, and measure results. Digital marketing is simply the move to the digital tools and technologies that most people depend on every day, including smartphones, search engines, tablets, video on demand, and the social media channels like Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and YouTube. The cost of entry to market on these is low, and marketing leverage has very little to do with the size of your budget. The best strategy and tactics to accomplish this digital marketing leverage are detailed in a new book, “Taking Down Goliath,” by Kevin M.

Ryan and Rob “Spider” Graham. The first step is to create the perfect online marketing message. Marty Zwilling. How to turn small talk into smart conversation. Imagine almost any situation where two or more people are gathered—a wedding reception, a job interview, two off-duty cops hanging out in a Jacuzzi.

How to turn small talk into smart conversation

What do these situations have in common? Almost all of them involve people trying to talk with each other. But in these very moments where a conversation would enhance an encounter, we often fall short. We can’t think of a thing to say. Or worse, we do a passable job at talking. We stagger through our romantic, professional and social worlds with the goal merely of not crashing, never considering that we might soar. We at What to Talk About headquarters set out to change this. Ask for stories, not answers. 7 Ways to Use Pinterest to Promote Your Business - Plus Infographic. Image centric social networks are rapidly gaining market share due to their high engagement levels.

7 Ways to Use Pinterest to Promote Your Business - Plus Infographic

Everyone apparently loves an enticing photo. Pinterest has become the social media network to watch after growing over 4,000% in the last 6 months. At an average of 88.3 minutes per visitor it ranks third on engagement behind Facebook and Tumblr and well ahead of LinkedIn (16 minutes) and Google Plus (5.1 minutes). Pinterest is a social network with a simple premise: Users share photos that they find online by “pinning” them, the equivalent of “liking” a status on Facebook or giving a +1 on Google.

Users have to download a toolbar that can be used to pin items from any Web site. 1. The most obvious way to use Pinterest for your business is to pin your own products to share with other users. Vloggers told to label paid-for videos before people click on them. LONDON — Vloggers who make promotional videos without clearly identifying that they've been paid for have been warned by the Advertising Standards Agency that they must make it clearer to the viewer.

Vloggers told to label paid-for videos before people click on them

The warning comes after a BBC Newsround investigation into videos posted to YouTube by a number of UK bloggers in June who were paid by Mondelez UK to say good things about one of its brands, Oreo biscuits. A BBC journalist made a complaint to the UK ad standards body, which upheld it. In the adjudication, published Wednesday about the five videos on YouTube, the ASA says the uploads breached the Committee of Advertising Practice code — the set of rules for advertisers in the UK. It says that the ads concerned must not appear in their current form. "We told Mondelez UK Ltd to ensure that future ads in this medium made their commercial intent clear prior to consumer engagement," the findings say.

"The audience should quickly recognise the message as an advertisement," the code says. Ten Social Networking Mistakes to Avoid When Marketing Your Business. Business owners worldwide are utilizing various social media platforms to promote products and reach out to consumers.

Ten Social Networking Mistakes to Avoid When Marketing Your Business

Many companies thrive, thanks to strong web presence. However, some struggle as a result of costly mistakes made during the online marketing process. Thus, before you began marketing your business it is advisable to brush up on your social media skills. Better yet, read on for a crash course on the ten most common social networking mistakes and how you can avoid making them yourself.