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Mnemotecnia. Técnicas para memoria - El Arte de la Proyecto G. Best Math Websites for the Classroom, As Chosen by Teachers. Learning math online isn’t always easy!

Best Math Websites for the Classroom, As Chosen by Teachers

Luckily there are some great math websites for teaching math virtually. We’ve gathered a list of teacher-approved sites that includes resources, games, freebies, and innovative programs for teaching math. Here are the best math websites, according to teachers. Note: This article has been updated to reflect free and discounted resources for online education during the COVID-19/coronavirus outbreak. Find other free online resources here. Go to: Best Math Websites: Comprehensive Math Programs These websites provide standards-based math curricula, practice activities and games, assessment tools and instructive insights, and professional development. From McGraw-Hill, a web-based assessment and learning system that uses adaptive questioning to determine students’ needs.

Language Arts. Litpen. Ten Equations That Changed the World. OUTILS. +300 Herramientas y Recursos Gratuitos Para Crear Materiales Educativos Didacticos #tics #educación. CFA. Bio mimétisme. MonkeyLearn - Text Mining Made Easy. Free Vector Search Engine - Download 281,088 Free Vector Graphics - Cinestesia. La cinestesia o kinestesia o quinestesia es la rama de la ciencia que estudia el movimiento humano.


Se puede percibir en el esquema corporal, el equilibrio, el espacio y el tiempo. Proviene del griego κίνησις /kínesis/, ‘movimiento’, y αἴσθησις /aísthesis/, ‘sensación’. Es decir, etimológicamente, “sensación o percepción del movimiento” es el nombre de las sensaciones nacidas de la lógica sensorial que se trasmiten continuamente desde todos los puntos del cuerpo al centro nervioso de las aferencias sensoras. En medicina y psicología, esta palabra alude a la sensación que un individuo tiene de su cuerpo. En especial, de los movimientos que éste realiza; sensación principalmente facilitada por los propioceptores; por ejemplo, los ubicados en la cóclea del oído interno, y la percepción de la movilidad muscular. Aunque la cinestesia mantiene grandes nexos con la cenestesia, conviene evitar confundir ambos términos. Iris Halminton afirma que:[2] Véase también[editar] MOOC : 3 minutes pour tout savoir.

Quelles sont les innovations apportées par les MOOC ?

MOOC : 3 minutes pour tout savoir

A qui s'adressent-ils ? Quelles perspectives ? Décryptage d'une révolution qui suit son cours... Vous avez entendu parler des MOOC, ces fameux Massive Open Online Courses et vous voulez en savoir plus” ? Un MOOC c’est une formation interactive en ligne, ouverte à tous. Le MOOC est cadencé dans le temps et se déroule sur quelques semaines, permettant ainsi de créer des promotions d’apprenants, comme dans une formation en présentiel. Coding e PNSD. La prossima settimana abbiamo tanti buoni motivi per dedicarci al coding: L’ora del codice, la settimana del Piano Nazionale Scuola Digitale (7-15 dicembre) e il concorso #ilmioPNSD (con premi in denaro compresi tra i 6.000 e i 7.170 Euro alle prime 5 scuole).

Coding e PNSD

Partecipare è semplicissimo. La settimana del PNSD Il MIUR ha mandato un invito a tutte le scuole ad aprire le proprie porte a genitori, associazioni e cittadini per valorizzare le buone pratiche e coinvolgere tutti in un processo di innovazione che parta dalla sensibilizzazione, dalla partecipazione e dalla creatività. Ogni scuola è libera di raccogliere questo invito nel modo che ritiene più opportuno, organizzando eventi di coding, aprendo i propri laboratori e le proprie aule al di fuori degli orari scolastici, o addirittura organizzando flash mob che comunichino e manifestino il senso dell’innovazione all’interno o all’esterno della scuola. Draw a clock on Scratch. APPs y Herramientas para Flipped Classroom.

Mapas mentales #

Online Games for Kids - Play Educational, Baby & Toddler Games Online. Edmodo. TED.Ed 8 octobre 2014 LES + : Entièrement gratuit Prise en main très rapide… DocExplore 2 juillet 2014.


Explain Everything. Efficacité pro. Preparing for Problem Solving. Section 3: PREPARATION FOR PROBLEM SOLVING Being in the flow; being centered Training for a flowing and centered response Back to Table of Contents The key to successful problem solving starts within our own minds.

Preparing for Problem Solving

Our mental attitude involves more than just "thinking" about a conflict or a problem. It involves an awareness of our emotions, our level of tension, and a commitment to being in the best possible frame of mind to approach the situation. In this section we will work with what an optimum frame of mind might feel like and provide some exercises which can empower us to more readily enter into the best possible mental state for solving problems. CI. MOOC enseigner et former avec le numérique.

Plantae ¶

Evolutionary history of plants. A late Siluriansporangium.

Evolutionary history of plants

Green: A spore tetrad. Blue: A spore bearing a trilete mark – the -shaped scar. The spores are about 30-35 μm across Cladogram of plant evolution The evolution of plants has resulted in increasing levels of complexity, from the earliest algal mats, through bryophytes, lycopods, ferns to the complex gymnosperms and angiosperms of today.

In the Ordovician period, around 450 million years ago, the first land plants appeared.[1] These began to diversify in the late Silurian Period, around 420 million years ago, and the results of their diversification are displayed in remarkable detail in an early Devonian fossil assemblage from the Rhynie chert. By the middle of the Devonian Period, most of the features recognised in plants today are present, including roots, leaves and secondary wood. Colonization of land[edit] Plants were not the first photosynthesisers on land; weathering rates suggest that organisms[which?] Charcoalification is an important taphonomic mode.