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Hadi Sinaee

Metacademy. Machine Learning authors/titles recent submissions. Mathematicians have finally figured out how to tell correlation from causation. Thomas Blomseth Christiansen is not an ordinary geek. For the last five years he has been tracking everyday things about his life—from steps to sneezes. He now has more than 100,000 data points, and he has used them to improve his health.

After many minor, and some major, changes to his lifestyle, he’s nearly gotten rid of his allergy to pollen. When I met Christiansen, at the Quantified Self conference in Amsterdam, he was eager to tell me how much better his life was this summer compared to any summer in the last five years. He’s one of a growing wave of people convinced that documenting life’s minutiae can yield powerful benefits. At least in Christiansen’s case, there’s already scientific work that might go some way to explain the success he achieved. The allergy conundrum Christiansen suffers from a pollen allergy, just as many millions around the world do. Despite decades of work, scientists still can’t agree on why we suffer from allergies.

Finding a fix. Introduction to Information Systems, 5th Edition - R. Kelly Rainer, Brad Prince, Casey G. Cegielski. Information Technology for Management: Advancing Sustainable, Profitable Business Growth, 9th edition - Efraim Turban, Linda Volonino, Gregory R. Wood. Top 10 Best Selling Books for Business Intelligence and Data AnalyticsBest Business Intelligence and Data Analytics Software, Solutions & Services. Go to Amazon and search for books on Business Intelligence and up pops a deep collection of thoughtful offerings both old and new. We have chosen to highlight 10 of the newest releases. Below are the first 5 on the list along with an excerpt as well as a link for each at the Amazon book store. 1. Predictive Analytics: The Power to Predict Who Will Click, Buy, Lie, or Die by Eric Siegel and Thomas H. Davenport (2013) “With predictive analytics, millions of decisions a day determine whom to call, mail, approve, test, diagnose, warn, investigate, incarcerate, set up on a date and medicate. 2.

“As a CIO today, you need to be out in front of the business, envisioning the way your customers will use mobile technology and other emerging technologies to interact with your business three years from now. 3. “We are coming full circle. 4. “Today, organizations no longer operate in a world in which only traditional data types and sources matter. 5. What is BI? Best books on Business Intelligence. Kaggle: The Home of Data Science.