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Learn Backbone.js Completely. (More Than Just a Complete Backbone.js Tutorial) Duration: 25 to 30 hoursPrerequisite: JavaScript knowledge of 5/10 Below, I provide you with a comprehensive study guide that I myself have used (indeed, I have refined it for this article) to learn Backbone.js properly. This study guide should take just about 30 hours to complete. Our Career Paths and Courses Website Is Now Live New UPDATE: June 8, 2015 Enrollment for our Career Paths is well underway. The second cohort for Career Path 5: Modern Fullstack Developer is also full. After I learned Backbone.js, the first application I built was an eCommerce web application for a client—a startup.

Before we Continue I should note that Angular.js and Ember.js are robust and feature-rich front-end frameworks that offer more than Backbone.js, and they allow you to develop applications with less code than Backbone.js. What is Backbone.js and Why You Should Learn It What is Backbone.js? That’s It! 11. 12. Be good. Backbone.js for Absolute Beginners - Getting started (Part 1: Intro) - Adrian Mejia's [code]Blog. Backbone.js is a JavaScript framework, among many others, that is gaining special attention in the web development community because it’s ease of use and the structure that it provides to JavaScript applications.

(Updated: 2013-02-02, 2013-11-24) Brief Background (optional reading) TL; DR: You need to use JavaScript heavily in order to make responsive and interactive web applications. Jump to this and get started. The web application development process has been evolving over the years. Web applications nowadays require heavy use of JavaScript to generate content on the fly. A common problem with large JS web application developed is that they can become pretty messy really quickly. Just enough to get started with Backbone.js Backbone.js has hard dependency on underscore.js and a soft dependency on jQuery. Views Events Models Collections Routers Shut up and show me the code! Alright! The first example is a ‘Hello World’ app in Backbone and the second is a ‘to do’ app. 1. 1.3.– Test the app. How to quickly start a single-page application with Node.js « Gelblog, addicted to the web. A problem I experienced while starting coding with NodeJS environment and Express framework is that I had difficulties to quickly make a well structured app.

I spent too much time on organizing my modules and writing helpers. Paradoxally with Express, I like the fact that I am free to do what I want and don’t encounter too much constraints due to the framework. At last, it was harder to design front end code than back end code. To deal with that, I used two tools that fit with my requirements : CompoundJS : a lightweight framework on top of express. It offers the structure and the vital functions I need to write a good backend and configure express properly.Brunch : an application assembler to organize and build cleanly my front-end code.Edit: If you want to build a small single page-app, have a look at Americano a lightweight framework easy to learn (based on ExpressJS).

The bad thing with that choice is that there are no out of the box integration. 1. Then generate backend with railway: Build a Backbone/Brunch/Chaplin Backend with Python Flask and MongoDB - Thomas Sileo. Some tips on how to use Flask with MongoDB to build a REST Backend for Backbone/Brunch/Chaplin. With both these tools, it's extremely easy to build a full featured REST Backend ready to use with Backbone Models/Collections. I hope these tips will help you avoid some pitfalls I've fallen into. Set Backbone Model idAttribute to _id By default Backbone expects an id key, but MongoDB use an _id key, so you have to change the default id attribute. You can also make the change globally: Backbone.Model.prototype.idAttribute = "_id"; If you forget to do this, when updating a model, Backbone will make a POST request instead of a PUT request because the id attribute won't be set.

Serve the index file with render_template I use the backbone project index file as a flask template, and render it using render_template so it's possible to use flask session object and make link to custom flask view. @app.route("/")def index(): return render_template("index.html") Custom jsonify Authentication MethodView. Tutorials, blog posts and example sites · documentcloud/backbone Wiki. MVC mit PHP - Das MVC-PAttern mit PHP implementieren und verwenden. Dieses Tutorial erklärt wie MVC mit PHP verwendet werden kann. Es ist auf keinen Fall als fertiges Framework zu verwenden, es soll nur das Prinzip von Model, View & Controller erklären und eine Möglichkeit aufzeigen, wie es implementiert werden kann und dem Leser helfen, ein Gefühl dafür zu vermitteln, was MVC ist und wie es funktioniert. Eine Übersicht fertiger PHP MVC-Frameworks findet ihr hier oder hier oder hier. Trotzdem ist es natürlich nicht verboten, den Code hier auf seine eigenen Bedürfnisse anzupassen und zu verwenden.

Grundlagen Was ist "MVC"? MVC steht für Model, View, Controller. Model: Das Model hat die Aufgabe, die Webanwendung mit Daten aus der Datenbank (oder von wo auch immer) zu versorgen und die Daten, wenn gewünscht, zu speichern. Nach oben Und warum "MVC"? Eine Typische PHP-Webanwendung, wie sie vor allem von Anfängern programmiert wird, besteht oft aus vielen einzelnen PHP-Dateien. Hier kommt MVC ins Spiel. Das ganze Tutorial gibts natürlich auch zum Download. Model <? Introduction to Backbone.js Part 1: Models - Video Tutorial.

If you’ve read my last post or have just been keeping up with the JavaScript world at all, you’ve probably heard about Backbone.js. Well, this is the beginning of a tutorial series for Backbone.js and with this new series also comes a new media type: video! Today’s video tutorial teaches you how to get started using the M from MVC: the model.

It’s pretty simple, yet pretty awesome and powerful. Backbone.js Video Tutorial Series UPDATE: This tutorial is slightly outdated. I’ve made changes to the code below to match it up with how Backbone works now after version 1.0 was released. Final JavaScript Code Conclusion This is my first video tutorial so bear with me. Author: Joe Zimmerman Joe Zimmerman has been doing web development ever since he found an HTML book on his dad's shelf when he was 12. TodoMVC. Build a Backbone.js Application with PHP | VerySimple. Last year like a lot of other developers I started to get excited about client-side Javascript frameworks. Particularly interesting to me are frameworks that implement the concept of binding, where changes to your model objects will cause the view to update automatically.

To me it’s basically a little bit of magic that makes your web application seem alive as it responds to any changes made to the data. Backbone.js is one such Javascript framework. There’s many others, but I like Backbone because it doesn’t impose too much and allows you to pick and choose the parts that you like. I spent about two weeks really getting to know Backbone and then another 2 months integrating it into the latest Phreeze Builder. If you’re interested in using Backbone.js with PHP, I’d be interested in your feedback. Basic Node.js and Backbone.js application I « hop2croft's software development Blog. Introduction to Backbone.js Part 5: AJAX – Video Tutorial. Backbone.js apps with Authentication Tutorial | Clint Berry. At my current company I am working on my first large-scale production backbone.js app and I couldn’t be happier. After using backbone.js for a few months I have caught the vision and I am becoming more and more proficient. But every once and a while I still run into problems I would consider basic, but I can’t seem to find much help on the interwebs.

Authentication with backbone.js apps was one of those problems. So I am posting the solution I came up with in hopes it will benefit someone else, and hopefully will garner some feedback or potentially better ways to solve authentication with Backbone.js. Starting Code Base To start this tutorial, I will be using an already created backbone.js application called Backbone Directory, created by Christophe Coenraets who has some great tutorials and information about backbone on his blog.

Project Overview Setting Up (Very) Basic Server Side Authentication Now we also need to make sure no data gets sent to anyone that isn’t authorized. <! Backbone.js Wine Cellar Tutorial — Part 1: Getting Started. One of the challenges when building nontrivial Web applications is that JavaScript’s non-directive nature can initially lead to a lack of structure in your code, or in other words, a lack of… backbone.

JavaScript is often written as a litany of free-hanging and unrelated blocks of code, and it doesn’t take long before it becomes hard to make sense of the logic and organization of your own code. Backbone.js is a lightweight framework that addresses this issue by adding structure to JavaScript-heavy Web applications.Self-contained building blocks Backbone.js provides several classes (Model, Collection, View, Router) that you can extend to define the building blocks of your application. To build an app with Backbone.js, you first create the Models, Collections, and Views of your application.

You then bring these components to life by defining a “Router” that provides the entry points of your application through a set of (deep-linkable) URLs. Data Binding Elegant REST Integration Download. Clintberry/backbone-directory-auth.