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Are You a Psychopath? Take the Test. Charles Duhigg: Creatures of Habit. Dan Savage: Why Monogamy Is Ridiculous. Dr. Andrew Weil: The Pursuit of Happiness. John Butman: How to Succeed as an Idea Entrepreneur. Judith Butler: Your Behavior Creates Your Gender. Lisa Bodell: Why Organizations Resist Change. Michio Kaku: Space Bubble Baths and the Free Universe. Michio Kaku: The Supergenius. Neil deGrasse Tyson: Be Yourself.

Neil deGrasse Tyson: Want Scientifically Literate Children? Get Out of Their Way. Rainn Wilson: The Coming "Spiritual Revolution" Slavoj Žižek: Don't Act. Just Think. Slavoj Žižek: Why Be Happy When You Could Be Interesting? The Common Character Trait of Geniuses.