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Velospace. Tokyo Fixed Gear. Sheldon Brown. Singlespeed Bicycle Conversions More and more cyclists are discovering the joys of simple, one-speed bicycles. Many cyclists are rebelling against the excessive complication, fragility and weight of current mountain bikes. Why ride a Singlespeed? Modern 24-27 speed bikes are marvels of technology, and allow a cyclist to select the gear ratio that will make the most efficient use of his/her energy. If you're riding for sheer pleasure, or for exercise, you don't necessarily place that high a premium on output results, as measured in speed, distance or vertical climb.

Riding a singlespeed can help bring back the unfettered joy you experienced riding your bike as a child. Paradoxically, a singlespeed is, in another sense, more efficient than a multispeed bike! A singlespeed bike dispenses with the weight of the derailers, shifters, cables, extra sprockets and longer chain. Singlespeed bikes are also considerably more sturdy and reliable than multispeed bikes. Singlespeed vs Fixed Gear Gearing. London Fixed-gear and Single-speed. Freshtripe. Bike Radar.