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Baby Fun and Sensory Play. Dog Info. A-Line Strapless Cathedral Train Taffeta / Beaded Lace Made-To-Measure Wedding Dresses with Beading / Appliques / Flower by LAN TING 2018 - €269.99. What to Buy Organic and What You Can Buy Non. How to English. Kiddos. Cooking. Massage. Exercise. Supplement Info. 80 Healthy Recipe Substitutions. Here at Greatist, we're always looking for ways to make our favorite foods healthier without sacrificing flavor.

80 Healthy Recipe Substitutions

So we compiled a list of our best substitutions and discovered some new ones along the way. Below are our 83 (!) Top picks, guaranteed to make that next meal a delicious, healthier hit. Homemade Herbal Bug Sprays. Oil Cleansing - Skin Care. Chamomile-Infused Hand and Body Lotion. I recently introduced you to fresh lotion, an age-old product that dates back thousands of years, long before chemical preservatives were introduced.

Chamomile-Infused Hand and Body Lotion

The only difference between commercial lotions and fresh lotions is that fresh lotions contain absolutely no chemical preservatives, and thus the shelf life is limited to a few months rather than a few years. Fresh lotion is superior to commercial lotion just as fresh food is superior to preserved food. I have chosen to share my recipes with you to encourage everyone to make small batches of fresh lotions and use them up, rather than adding preservatives which may be harmful to our bodies.

Lotion Bars. I’ve finally reached a point where I make all of our toiletry products by hand. I’ve saved a lot of money doing this with bulk ingredients, and I love that I’m not putting any chemicals on my family’s skin. (Finally even replaced my make-up with homemade versions and more on that coming soon!) I’ve made lotion in the past, but was excited to stumble on this great variation, which is solid at room temperature and looks like a bar of soap.

It is also even easier to make than lotion because it doesn’t require any emulsifying with water, which is the tough step. These are solid at room temperature like a bar of soap, but when rubbed on the skin, a tiny amount melts and is transferred to the skin, leaving a highly moisturizing and very thin layer. Herbal Teas, Herbal Infusions and Herbal Tinctures. The following is an excerpt from Herbal Recipes for Vibrant Health by Rosemary Gladstar (Storey Publishing, 2008).

Herbal Teas, Herbal Infusions and Herbal Tinctures

In this inspirational guide to a greener, healthier life though caring for and honoring the body, you’ll find time-tested herbal remedies that are safe, effective and easy to prepare. Gladstar, a renowned herbal teacher and a driving force behind the contemporary herbalist movement, presents teas, tonics, oils, salves, tinctures and other natural therapies for dozens of common maladies and for promoting overall health and wellness at every stage of life.

This excerpt is from the Appendix II, “The Art of Making Herbal Remedies.” Herbal teas remain my favorite way of using herbs medicinally. Saponification Table and Characteristics of Oils in Soap. How much Lye should you use in order to saponify a specific fat or oil?

Saponification Table and Characteristics of Oils in Soap

Use this simple saponification table to find out! You can click on each oil or fat within this chart to learn more about its benefits, detriments and how it is used in soap making. soap making oils (along with many other ingredients) are now available to purchase online right here at Click now to see the selection! How to Continuous Brew Kombucha. Introduction to Fresh Lotion. What is all natural, anyway?

Introduction to Fresh Lotion

Let’s get this out there right away. You cannot buy a truly all natural, truly preservative-free lotion. Why? Because lotions are made with water, and water is a great medium for growing bacteria. Make Sunscreen. Edit Article Edited by John Comeau, R2 D2, Nessa Ancalimë, Travis Derouin and 16 others Commercial sunscreen products often contain propyl compounds and other chemicals questionable for your health;[1] and many of the all-natural products are overly expensive due to the addition of exotic tropical oils for their scent.

Make Sunscreen

In addition, many commercial products may have been tested on animals.