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Photos grid. Designing for a Responsive Web. The web as we know it is changing. In the past, designers and developers only had to concern themselves with one medium: the computer screen. In recent years, however, a plethora of fully internet-enabled devices with scores of different shapes and capabilities have cropped up, meaning that we now have to design our websites to fit comfortably in as many screen sizes, shapes, and resolutions as you can possibly think of.

Our old fixed-width layout approach is out of the question now. So what do we do? The answer, my dear reader, lies with Responsive Web Design. What is Responsive Web Design? The idea of Responsive Web Design, a term coined by Ethan Marcotte, is that our websites should adapt their layout and design to fit any device that chooses to display it. In his book, the aptly titled "Responsive Web Design" he outlines the three parts to a responsive website: A fluid gridFluid imagesMedia queries If you only read one of those, make it the last one, written in May of last year. Mobile Frameworks Comparison Chart. Subway - Responsive Multi-Purpose WordPress Theme. SUBWAY is a responsive multi-purpose WordPress theme Main Features Fully Customizable Headers – Each page can have it’s own custom header with different height and background image or slider. AJAX Animations ON/OFF – Choose between 4 fluid AJAX animated transitions between pages for a creative experience or turn AJAX off to create a classic website.

Besides the predefined animations, create your own scenario by choosing animation type for any page individually. Visual Composer for WordPress ($25 value) – Visual Composer for WordPress will save you tons of time working on the site content. Now you’ll be able to create complex layouts within minutes! Bonus Parallax Pages – SUBWAY comes with an amazing bonus feature – easy to create Parallax pages perfect for presentations, microsites or a new homepage.

Woo Commerce Integration – Add online shop module to your web site. Interactive Elements – Counters, pie charts, horizontal progress bars, icon progress bars, elements with animation.

Inspiration webdesign

Stratégie de contenu mobile : compte-rendu de lecture. Qu’est-ce qu’une stratégie de contenu à destination du web mobile ? Comment la définir et la mettre en œuvre ? Compte-rendu de l’ouvrage Stratégie de contenu mobile de Karen McGrane, par Julie Colin. Le parti-pris : la stratégie de contenu mobile, ça n’existe pas Karen McGrane est architecte de l’information et spécialiste en stratégie de contenu.

Pour elle, proposer un contenu différent – allégé et centré sur l’accomplissement de tâches – sur les supports smartphones ou tablettes est un non-sens. La recherche d’information est une tâche qui s’effectue sur l’ensemble des supports mobiles et pas seulement sur les sites de bureau. La structure de l’ouvrage en 7 chapitres 1. . « Doit-on vraiment migrer tout notre contenu sur les appareils mobile ? Les annonceurs Votre entreprise diffuse de la publicité à la télévision ?

Les détaillants Ceux-ci doivent répondre à 3 contextes différents : 2. 3. Bien souvent, c’est uniquement la mise en forme qui permet de fournir des informations structurelles. Elliot Jay Stocks. Un peu d'illustration ! 25 web design illustrés à découvrir - inspiration. A Showcase Of The World's Best Twitter Bootstrap Sites. Bootstrap. CSS Typography: Examples and Tools.

In the previous part of this series, we discussed some techniques and best practices for CSS typography. Let’s now delve into the subject further by looking into some case studies, tools, as well as a showcase of excellent CSS typography on the web. This is the third part of a three-part series of guides on CSS typography that will cover everything from basic syntax to best practices and tools related to CSS typography. Case Studies on CSS Typography Tutorials and theories can be great, but nothing says proof like a case study. Here are a handful of studies that can provide you with some real-world insights regarding typography on the web. Southern Savers Case Study: Typography Serif Fonts vs. Fixing Web Fonts, A Case Study Ten Great Free Fonts Cross-Browser: A Case Study in @Font-Face CSS Typography Tools Below is a collection of typography-related tools, with most being geared toward helping you work with CSS typography. Typographic Grid Baseline Typograph TypeTester FontTester Typechart PX to EM.

The CSS Box Model. At the risk of over-repeating myself: every element in web design is a rectangular box. This was my ah-ha moment that helped me really start to understand CSS-based web design and accomplish the layouts I wanted to accomplish. We've talked about the positioning of these boxes a bit, and about their behavior. What we haven't talked about much is the box itself. How is the size of the box calculated exactly? Here is a diagram: If you are a Firebug user, you might be used to the diagram like this, which does a nice job of showing you the numbers affecting any box on the page: Notice in both examples the margin is in the white.

The size of the box itself is calculated like this: What if these values are undeclared? If padding or borders are undeclared, they are either zero (likely if you are using a css reset) or the browser default value (probably not zero especially on form elements that are commonly not reset). The Default Width of Block Level Boxes Absolute Boxes with No Width Share On. iOS7 UI Effects in Photoshop and After Effects. With the announcement of iOS7, Apple revealed a completely new UI for their mobile OS. With the super flat design and thin fonts, Apple said that the design would be adaptable to apps by making some of the basic UI elements transparent, therefore, some of the colors of your apps content would bleed through and define how iOS7 basic components would influence the overall appearance. Another important detail of the UI was that with the transparency a blur effect was applied, similar to Windows Vista and their Aero design.

With that in mind, I decided to see how to create and share a super simple workflow to achieve this effect using Photoshop and After Effects. So for this tutorial I will show you how to achieve the blur effect of iOS7 using Photoshop and After Effects. Step 1 The first thing I did was to download the iOS7 iPhone PSD from teehanlax ( to use the basic iOS7 UI. Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Time to open After Effects. Step 5 Step 6 Step 7 Step 8 Step 9. Accueil. 142, avenue Daumesnil 75012 PARIST. +33 (0)1 42 71 48 36F. +33 (0)1 43 55 08 02E. boitenoire@ultranoir.comW. MARS NETWORKS 26, rue du village 13006 MARSEILLET. +33 (0)4 91 48 26 59F. +33 (0)4 91 24 67 02E. commercial@mars-networks.comW. L'utilisateur du site internet reconnaît disposer de la compétence et des moyens nécessaires pour accéder et utiliser ce site internet.

Les utilisateurs sur site web sont tenus de respecter les dispositions de la loi relative à l'informatique, aux fichiers et aux libertés, dont la violation est passible de sanctions pénales. Ils doivent notamment s'abstenir, s'agissant d'informations nominatives auxquelles ils accèdent, de toute collecte, de toute utilisation détournée et d'une manière générale, de tout acte susceptible de porter atteinte à la vie privée ou à la réputation des personnes. L'usage de ce site web est régi par la loi française à l'exception de toute autre législation. CO3, la science dans ton chez toi ! Pi's Epic Journey - LIFE OF PI on Digital HD | Watch Full Movie Online or Download Now. CSS3 module: W3C Selectors. Résumé Les CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) sont un langage permettant de décrire la restitution de documents HTML et XML à l'écran, sur papier, vocalement, etc.

Pour attacher des propriétés stylistiques aux éléments du document, elles utilisent les sélecteurs, qui sont des conditions de sélection de ces éléments. Ce document de travail décrit les sélecteurs proposés pour CSS level 3. Il comprend et étend les sélecteurs de CSS level 2. Statut de ce document Ce document est une version de travail de l'un des "modules" de la future spécification CSS3. Ce document est un document de travail du Groupe de Travail CSS & FP faisant partie de l'activité Style. Le Groupe de Travail pense que cette spécification est prête et souhaite donc en faire le dernier appel à commentaires. Les commentaires sur ce document de travail et les discussions le concernant peuvent être envoyés dans la liste de diffusion publique (archivée) (voyez les instructions).

Dépendances aux autres Modules CSS3 1. Ressources mobiles 16 outils pour vous aider à concevoir vos sites web - ressources. Rosas & Co Films AG. Michael Croxton. Jonathan Yuen (2006) - Mozilla Firefox. Soleil Noir Studio - 2008 - Mozilla Firefox. E-motions.