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Mega Collection Of Cheatsheets for Designers And Developers. Cheatsheets and various quick reference guides are available for almost any type of software and language these days. Unfortunately they’re not always easy to find when you actually need them. This is why I decided to take some time to gather up as many as possible and share them with you here!

Hopefully this can be a timesaver for you, along with teaching you a new trick or two. The resources have been divided into various categories to make them easier to find. Below are more than 100 cheat sheets and reference cards for the following topics: CSS3 Cheat Sheet ↓ CSS2 Visual Cheat Sheet ↓ CSS Cheat Sheet (V2) ↓ Css Property Index ↓ BluePrint CSS ↓ HTML 5 Cheat Sheet ↓ HTML5 Canvas Cheat Sheet ↓ HTML5 Glossary ↓ HTML Character Entities Cheat Sheet ↓ Color Codes Matching Chart HTML (Convert CMYK, RGB Hex) ↓ Javascript JavaScript Cheat Sheet ↓ Javascript DOM ↓ JavaScript Reference Card ↓ jQuery 1.4 API Cheat Sheet ↓ jQuery selectors ↓ jQuery 1.3.2 ↓ jQuery 1.3 ↓ jQuery 1.2 ↓ Mootools 1.2 Cheat Sheet ↓ MySQL.

Periodic Table of the Elements - Josh Duck. MySQL Reference for OS X. When running MySQL and PHP on the same Mac OS X 10.4 server, you may find that PHP cannot connect to MySQL. When PHP is communicating with a MySQL server on the same host, it uses a socket file to communicate, and looks for it at /tmp/mysql.sock. On Mac OS X Server 10.4, MySQL creates this socket file at /var/mysql/mysql.sock. To resolve this issue, you can either change the location where MySQL creates its socket file, or modify the location where PHP looks for the file. Please note that the first option is less secure than the second. I. Open your preferred text editor and create a plain text file.

II. In terminal type: sudo cp /etc/php.ini.default /etc/php.ini Open /etc/php.ini in your preferred text editor. The Best Developer Cheat Sheets Around | Webmasters by Design. The Best Developer Cheat Sheets Around Who doesn't like a helpful cheat sheet to have around? They save so much time and really help you learn what you are working with in an easy to understand format. I have gathered a list of the cheat sheets I have found to be the most helpful. There are cheat sheets from PHP to CSS to RegEx, and I have listed over 40 different cheat sheets to help! DesignHTML (1) (2) (3)CSS (1) (2) (3)XML (1) (2) (3)RGB Hex Color (1)DOCTYPE (1)ProgrammingPHP (1) (2) (3)ASP (1) (2)JavaScript (1) (2)Ruby On Rails (1) (2) (3) (4)Perl/CGI (1) (2)Ajax (1) (2) (3)DatabaseMySQL (1) (2)PostgreSQL (1) (2)SQL Server (1)Oracle (1) (2)OtherRegular Expressions (1) (2) (3)mod_rewrite (1)htaccess (1)RSS (1)WordPress (1)CHMOD (1)Vi (1)Social Bookmark Links (1)SEO (1) For even more resources check out this blog post on the Virtual Hosting Blog.

Update Hey everyone. What cheat sheets did I miss? 40 Comments.