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Mepedia: LinkedIn For The Desperately Unemployed Generation. The average LinkedIn user is 44.

Mepedia: LinkedIn For The Desperately Unemployed Generation

Therein lies the tragedy of trying to navigate the white-collar social network as a member of the Desperately Unemployed Generation. So Mepedia is trying to become "the LinkedIn for millennials," by creating a networking site that, if the scruffy tattooed gentleman on its splash page has any say, is for the young and hip only. The site, created by marketing guru Tom Hayes, certainly feels like it would be appealing to a younger userbase.


INALJ (I Need a Library Job) [Series] Emerging Careers in Librarianship: Data Curation. The Economist, February 25, 2010.

[Series] Emerging Careers in Librarianship: Data Curation

Librarianship is a quickly changing field. Thanks to computers and the internet, it has undergone a tremendous metamorphosis over the last two decades. In light of these changes, we’re kicking off a new series in which we talk about the many emerging careers in librarianship. 5 ways to address a cover letter besides ‘To whom it may concern’