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A to Z of Twitter Etiquette. Ur Doing It Wrong: How Not to Suck in Social Media - Advertising Age - DigitalNext. Quick! Which is the worst social media faux pas? Inviting consumers to follow your company -- via a locked Twitter account; or When a customer posts a negative comment about your business, track his identity and learn where he works. Then, contact his employers with the suggestion he be fired? New York's Social Media Week featured wall-to-wall sessions on how marketers can do social media right, but nothing can hold a candle to the sheer Schdenfreude of watching the brands and agencies that are doing it wrong. Horribly, horribly wrong. Enter the Suxorz Awards. Here's how it works: a panel of four marketing experts nominate their picks for worst-of-the-worst social-media campaigns. Herewith, the contenders for the 2011 Suxorz awards -- together with some lessons learned, because really, we're not just here to laugh at them.

Category 1: Meme Purgatory No, you can't bottle viral. Lesson Learned: Character development counts. Lesson Learned: Hire a proofreader. It's not there any more. Speculate to innovate: social-change paves the way for Crowdsourcing. Blog » Social media lessons learned from one cool business. You probably haven’t heard of Mitch Byrne, but you should be paying close attention to how he runs his business – specificially his marketing and customer service efforts. As the owner of Northeast Cooling , Mitch helps businesses like restaurants and food service vendors with a wide variety of refrigeration services and repairs in the Chicago area. If you think refrigeration sounds boring – Mitch’s story will prove you dead wrong. Mitch has been using social media like Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook to better service his customers, and bring in new ones for quite some time.

In fact – he was early enough to Twitter to scoop up the @Refrigeration handle. We sat down with Mitch to ask him how his business uses social media to market their services and provide great service to his customers. What was most impressive to us was Mitch’s focus on building meaningful relationships with customers and other local businesses. Here are the highlights of our conversation: Iceland wants to be your friend. Twittermania: 140+ More Twitter Tools! Various Twitter-related tools and plugins have been multiplying fast over since we did our big Twitter Toolbox and 8 awesome Firefox plugins for Twitter earlier. When we say fast, we "mean 140+ new tools" fast, and we probably missed some, too.

You know what this means: now you have to arm yourself with dozens of shiny widgets you probably don't need, but you can't resist them anyway. Posting Enhancement. Most Of Your Tweets And Facebook Messages Will Never Reach Your Intended Audience. Why Porn Stars Love Twitter. Hope to find MH 370 was virtually destroyed by a month of bungled searching. The only saving grace was one lonely satellite company’s brilliance. It’s now a month since Malaysian Flight MH370 became modern aviation’s greatest mystery. Certain things are clear and many of them are disturbing. First, the oversight of commercial air space in this part of Asia is chaotic. Jealously preserved divisions of power within each state made it impossible to achieve the kind of open, rapid and efficient exchange of information between the states themselves that is essential in an emergency. As long as any physical evidence remains out of reach this is not only the most demanding sea search for an airplane ever undertaken, it’s a virtually impossible forensic challenge.

The initial failure to report radar sightings of what was probably Flight MH370 had costly consequences in a time-critical situation. As enraging as these lapses are, they should not come as a surprise. Things got more personal. 8 Ways Entrepreneurs Can Get More Out of Twitter. Scott Gerber is a serial entrepreneur, angel investor, public speaker and author of Never Get a "Real" Job: How to Dump Your Boss, Build a Business and Not Go Broke. The content for this post was sourced from the Young Entrepreneur Council, a group of successful Gen Y business owners. You can submit your questions to this group on

To tweet or not to tweet. That is the question on many business owners' minds. For some, Twitter has proven to be a powerful way to engage customers and build a community. For others, tweeting has been nothing but a useless time suck. In order to teach business owners how to benefit from this tool, I asked a panel of successful young entrepreneurs how their entrepreneurial brethren can utilize Twitter to their advantage rather than to their dismay. 1.

Twitter is an amazing tool to market and really interact with fans and customers. . - Ashley Bodi Company URL: Business Beware Twitter: @businessbeware 2. . - Ryan Paugh Company URL: Social media for business – avoid this mistake | Social Media IQ. A to Z of Twitter Etiquette. Getting the Most Out of Twitter, No Posting Necessary. Six Degrees of Separation, Twitter Style. Over the past year, we've spent a lot of time exploring Twitter, and one of the things we've been curious about is how connected people are to each other within the Twitter network. So, we sliced and diced more than 5.2 billion Twitter friendships (the number of friend and follower relationships) to investigate the connectivity of the Twitter network. We discovered that Twitter is, in many, ways a network with only five degrees of separation.

This means that nearly everyone on Twitter is just five steps away from each other. We describe this separation between two people as "friendship distance". Here are our major findings: The most common friendship distance is five steps. The "Six Degrees of Separation" theory was created by Hungarian author, Frigyes Karinthy, in the early 20th century. In his small world experiments, Milgram randomly selected 240 people living in U.S. cities. The graphics below provide examples of friendship separation.

Twitter Friendship Distance Methodology. Twitter Conversation Statistics - Power of Replies and Retweets. When a tweet generates a reply (aka @) or a retweet (aka RT), it suggests the tweet has resonated enough with someone that it sparks a conversation or encourages someone to share it with their followers. Given the power of the reply and the RT, we thought it would be interesting to explore how many tweets actually generate a reaction. We also wanted to collect more insight into the characteristics of these reactions. For example, what is the timeframe for a retweet to happen? To carry out the research, Sysomos examined 1.2 billion tweets posted in the last two months. 29% of Tweets Generate a Reaction We found that 29% of all tweets produced a reaction - a reply or a retweet. Of this group of tweets, 19.3% were retweets and the rest replies.

Most Retweets Happen in the First Hour We discovered that 92.4% of all retweets happen within the first hour of the original tweet being published, while an additional 1.63% of retweets happen in the second hour, and 0.94% take place in the third hour. 15 top Twitter tips for beginners | Tweasier - The Twitter tool blog that makes life easier. Social networking sites are a 'modern form of madness'