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Singularity Hub | The Future Is Here Today…Robotics, Genetics, AI, Longevity, The Brain… About. Breaking News | Latest. RFID 'Powder' - World's Smallest RFID Tag: Science Fiction in the News (Build 20111120135848) The world's smallest and thinnest RFID tags were introduced yesterday by Hitachi. Tiny miracles of miniaturization, these RFID chips (Radio Frequency IDentification chips) measure just 0.05 x 0.05 millimeters. The previous record-holder, the Hitachi mu-chip, is just 0.4 x 0.4 millimeters. Take a look at the size of the mu-chip RFID tag on a human fingertip. Now, compare that with the new RFID tags. The "powder type" tags are some sixty times smaller. (Powder RFID chips next to a human hair) The new RFID chips have a 128-bit ROM for storing a unique 38 digit number, like their predecessor. Hitachi's mu-chips are already in production; they were used to prevent ticket forgery at last year's Aichi international technology exposition.

Science fiction fans will have a field day with this new technology. They always played poker with European cash. How far away could you be, and still read the information from this "powder RFID? " These devices could also be used to identify and track people. Foundation SecurityPreserver (Build 20111120135848) By Philippe Van Nedervelde, Director, Informational Transparency Division, and other Scientific Advisory Board members. (Philippe is also inventor of the Panoptic C-Thru 3D Video Surveillance System [1].) This is an ongoing program so you may submit suggestions to Overview The best way to survive a bioweapon, nanoweapon, nuclear, or other attack is to prevent it from happening in the first place.

The Lifeboat Foundation’s SecurityPreserver program is looking for ways to provide early warning of attacks before such attacks can be fully designed, planned, developed, deployed, let alone launched. In an ideal world, you would have perfect defenses and therefore would not need to have early warnings of attacks before they were developed.

The SecurityPreserver program is for use in an imperfect world with imperfect defenses. Today Surveillance technologies are getting smaller every day. Near Future About 5 Years Away Future Our transparent future. Geopolitics Conclusion.